
The chocking feel of smoke had numbed up her sense of smell as she stared at the destruction Scalaban and Victor had caused. Her mind traveled as she tried to imagine what could have led to this. Michelle had just arrived in Olympia. And unlike others who needed gates to travel within the multiverse, dragons had the ability to travel without the help of the gates and so being the dragon born this gave her the same ability though she couldn't travel instantly like a dragon.

Her red boots touched the ground. And she could still feel the warm air of the fire the dragon had poured down on this poor city and from a distance, she could hear it growling and the sound of its gigantic wings flapping through the air. From the surface, you could see the huge hole and the sharp beam of sunlight hitting down on what was left of the wasteland.

Michelle started to walk through the destruction slowly. This time she was feeling unworthy of this power she had. The dragons had given her this power to protect her world from the threats, but what will her subjects think of her if they found out that this was all her doing, Bringing a dragon to life was a sign of disrespect and abuse to elf kind since the elves worshiped the dragons.

A smoke grew from her back, forming a human-like figure, with a hidden face that was covered by a shadowy cloak. Michelle sensed its presence and turned, "Victor, I thought Talon had agreed that there was not supposed to be any destruction." she said trying to keep her temper in check.

"They resisted surrendering so we were forced to fight them," Victor muttered in fear that she might find out that he was lying. Michelle was popular throughout and she had been given the title slayer because it's only Talon, who had ever fought her at full power lived to tell the tale, meaning she had slain all her enemies.

She sighed, "Tell me you at least caught one of them." she looked at him with a rather gruesome stare that sent the newbie commander almost shaking to a point that it was difficult to say no, "We. . .um. . . we. . ."

"Michelle Terror." he was saved by Scalaban, who had appeared out of nowhere playing with a toy sword by swinging it around as a child would, "you're late." he continued as he walked towards her and threw the toy sword away.

"Why did you have to kill all these people?" She asked him.

"Because my sister would have wanted me to finish the job." he chuckled as he turned around to show Michelle what he had done with the help of the dragon she had brought to life with her own power. "Isn't it a perfect memorial for my sister?" Scalaban said.

"It's is. Commander," Victor replied.

"Did you manage to catch one of them?" she asked again. This time asking Scalaban.

"No, they got away. Through a gateway."

"Huh, so they have a skilled spatial magic-user with them." she thought, but what could she expect from kids who come from a magical world of course there has to be a skilled spatial magic-user with them.

"But we know where they are heading and we have someone who can operate the gate." he pulled Dr. Lin from where ever she was and dropped her on the ground right in front of Michelle. She didn't look like the beautiful Asian brunette she was, her face had been beaten to a plump and she was bleeding from multiple wounds that she had incurred during her torture.

And who's that supposed to be?" Michelle asked, staring at the beat-up doctor.

This," Scalaban grabbed Dr. Lin's hair and yanked it to lift her head and show her face to Michelle. "is the famous Dr. Lin. She is one of the great scientists who found a way of traveling through the multiverse without the need for spatial magic, Can you believe that? " He laughed at the sound of Dr. Lin's crying as he let go of her hair.

She's crying because this is all her fault." Victor said to Michelle, "She ratted out the chaos lord because she wanted to protect her kind. Now she may be the last human in this universe."

"Do you know where the kids are going?"

"Tecar. She said they are going to recover a magical sword. Should we call Talon? " Victor inquired. "No," she replied, "he has to recover the bow and the spellbook since we now know where those two are."

" You two will use the dragon, to go to Tecar. Using a gateway would be pointless because there are no entrances unless you want to end up in the astral realm," she commanded both Scalaban and Victor.

"The chaos lord must have shifted the gateway's magic to take them to Tecar. The only entrance in Tecar is in the astral realm which is merely impossible to escape." She continued.

Scalaban wasn't happy with her bossy nature. "You don't tell me what to do, Michelle," he said.

Michelle sighed and slowly faced him, "I haven't told you what to do commander. I am just warning you so that you stay alive. And we don't have enough time before those kids get that sword." She said, the dragon then landed right behind her causing a strong blast of wind once it stomped the ground.

Victor and Scalaban gave each other one look, then turned to Michelle and nodded. They moved towards the huge beast and it lowered its head so that they could climb onto it. They were going to travel between worlds using the dragon's power, the power that Michelle could control. It flapped its wings and started to set off from the ground once they were settled.

Michelle remained on the ground looking up.

"P-P-Please-k-k-k-kill me." Dr. Lin begged her before she could fly off the ground. She stared at the doctor with pity, "I can't. because the survivors need you,"

The doctor's eyes widened with surprise, "S-s-s-survivors?"

"Yes, and they need you. You need to help them activate that gate and run to a world that doesn't need magic to survive. A place where you can stay hidden." Michelle whispered, then used her fire magic to heal the doctor, "you don't have enough time."

"Thank you," Dr. Lin cried immediately after feeling all the pain she felt had disappeared.

Michelle then off into the air and followed the dragon. A portal opened up and they immediately got sucked in by a huge beam of light that closed the portal once they were through.

The morning was here and scarlet had her heavy eyes opened from a deep slumber by the annoying sound that was made by the birds that nested in the tree next to her room. She moved out of bed lazily, she hadn't got enough sleep last night due to what had happened with Oblivion. Due to the fright, she went to the library and researched about the astral realm and the things trapped in it. It was right for her to be worried because according to what she had found out the astral realm contained demons, fallen gods, criminals from the past and so many dark entities that troubled the multiverse ages ago.

And because of her late-night curiosity, she barely got enough sleep that night. She took off her pajamas and walked to the bathroom naked, then stood under the shower, a jet of warm water shot out and she finally felt awake when the water started to go through her now brown hair.

For about ten minutes, Scarlet was still in the shower, the sound of the water shooting from the faucet was letting her mind drift through some memories. She could still hear the water pour down, but it sounded more like rain. It was raining heavily and you could hear the thunder clapping from the dark sky.

It was at night and she was standing outside the National hospital. This was where she was born.

The thunder clapped one more time and the rain poured down even more, "Argus." a man shouted from behind and she turned to see it was. And to her surprise, she could believe she was looking at her father. He was a short chubby brown-skinned man with brown eyes and dark hair dressed in a raincoat.

He was on the other side of the street, standing under a shed. Next to a bus stop waving at Argus. He crossed the road and they both ran to the hospital lobby.

"I can't believe am having the opportunity to share this day with my favorite student." her father said,

"Student?" Scarlet was shocked. She knew her father was a professor Bolton but what was Argus doing in this time period.

She was still trying to understand what was going on when the hot water stopped flowing and she was pulled out of the memory. She opened her eyes only to see that everything in the bathroom was in the air surrounded by red energy. Like they were all falling in slow motion. She sighed and everything was released along with the water causing everything to crash down.