
The portal reopened next to what looked like a normal wooden cabin in a forest. 

Jordan and Kendall walked through and Jordan immediately fell on the soiled ground the moment the portal closed behind them. He had used too much magic just teleporting both of them. He wasn't a magic type so magic was a bit harder to do on his side. 

"Jordan!" Kendall screamed and knelt as she tried to heal him. Her hands glowed, but nothing happened. 

"That won't work, Jordan knows he can't use that much magic, but he risked anyway," Alex rasped, standing behind the two of them. 

"Someone had to help her…" Jordan winced from the ground. 

"We can't help someone who chose to leave us after saving her life." 

Kendall stood up and faced Alex. They hadn't seen each other in over a year and Kendall hadn't left things well between them. On the day she chose to leave Alex took her departure as her way of saying 'I leave the world in your hands.'