
Jack was confused, "Wait, Scarlet is going to hell?! Why?" 

"It's not my place to explain to you two why, but she's one of the strongest mages in the world and sadly the only one with the power to take down Lucifero, she can't do it alone, she needs you two to help her find herself along with you Alex," he said, staring at her. 

"Dad…" she muttered, "I'm sorry."

"I know we all miss her, she was the greatest thing to ever happen to me. But what happened to her happened because she wanted you two to live to grow into the strong and brilliant warriors you are today and very sure she's very proud of the people you've become today," he said. "You have to let go just like we did, it's not like we don't have a special place in our hearts for her, but she would've wanted us to do so,"