Shadow Realm (Part 2)

They were still having their conversation when the door was slammed open and Jack stormed. The look on his face was worrying as it caught both the girls' attention. 

"What's wrong?" Alex asked her brother with a concerned look. 

"The news, the Magisterium building is on the news!" he was panicking.

"That's not possible the magical field that protects that place can only be undone from the inside, and that's like the most secure place in this city," Alex doubted with confidence. 

 He didn't know what to say so he simply pulled out his phone and showed them a clip from the headlines this morning. It read: "BUILDING APPEARS IN THE MIDDLE OF BROOKLYN." The clip was showing the aerial view of the building and the rest of the street which was marked with craters and that was a clear sign that a fight had transpired from there.