
Thank you for reading this story to the very end!

This story has been, what you can call, a dream project of sorts. I had been wanting to write this story for a long time now. I have finally achieved that dream. Along with a sense of achievement, I also feel something akin to a loss.

Anyway, I hope you liked the story. This was the story of a boy who is too afraid to show his true emotions and instead suffers inside, all alone. I think many can relate to this story. We have, at some point in our lives, failed to get what we want because of our cowardice. Sure, we regret it now, but we can do nothing about it. That was the sort of story I wanted to create and I hope I did.

Now, I think many of you probably have a question in mind.

If the wedding scene was not real and just a drunken fantasy, then what was the real reason why Alicia distanced herself from him?

I am afraid, even I don't know the answer to that question.


- Because I have not asked her yet.

And why I have not asked her yet?

- Because I am a Libra.