After making up, Liu Jin and Lin Lin sat together, enjoying the breeze in the corner of the assembly hall.

Currently, the emperor and the officials were interacting to discuss government matters. I don't know Lin Lin didn't care about that.

At this time, the nobles usually interacted a lot to form a business relationship or just a mutually beneficial friendship. Some seek fame by seducing rich young noblemen into becoming the man's wives or concubines.

Mu Hua is one of them. Lin Lin could see Mu Hua constantly displayed her body parts by puffing her chest forward but still with a timid expression. The masher young aristocrat was immediately attracted to Mu Hua because the girl's curves were very beautiful.

Lin Lin, who was in the corner of the room, sighed at the behaviour of her new sister.

"I don't understand anymore," said Lin Lin in frustration.

Liu Jin raised an eyebrow, "What don't you understand?" Liu Jin asked.