Lin Lin lowered her gaze to Hei Wu, who closed his eyes and rolled his body in Lin Lin's arms. Lin Lin tugged at Hei Wu's nape, causing the lazy beast to hang in the air like hanging clothes.

Hei Wu shouted when he felt that he was currently suspended. Hei Wu looked at Lin Lin with an annoyed face and returned with a flat look from Lin Lin.

"Master, do you know that being cruel to a contract animal is not good?" said Hei Wu in his pitiful tone.

Lin Lin paid no heed to the pleading koala's words and still stared at Hei Wu with a flat gaze.

"What did the maid do?" asked Lin Lin, who still didn't care about Hei Wu, who pleaded so that he was no longer in a hanging position. At least, if you want to ask, do it well and sincerely.

"Sir, I only put the maid to sleep so she would be easier to bring here. If I don't put her to sleep, I'm sure it will be difficult for me to carry her," said Hei Wu, who had already given up on pleading in front of Lin Lin.