Lin Lin frowned, almost knitting her brows together, hearing what Yang Xue Lin said.

"What are you saying? I don't understand what it means at all. Have what choice?" asked Lin Lin, who couldn't grasp the meaning of Yang Xue Lin's words.

Lin Lin was confused but even more, confused about the meaning of Yang Xue Lin's words earlier. Do you mean to go while Master Zhou is on the Left Continent or leave at a time earlier? Lin Lin didn't understand what she meant at all.

"He has to carry out his duties as sect leader of Zhou, and there is nothing he can do to refuse to carry out that duty. And when on the Continent where you were born, he didn't leave you on purpose, he wanted to say goodbye to you, but the same thing as before, he couldn't because he had been summoned first," explained Yang Xue Lin, knowing that Lin Lin was confused by what she meant.