When Lin Lin arrived at the gate of Prime Minister An's residence, Lin Lin saw several people standing there.

One of them was prime minister An himself. Lin Lin seemed to be frowning when she heard the conversation between prime minister An and one of the older men there, who looked very displeased.

"Prime minister An, wouldn't you rather tell the guests staying in your residence to get out now?" said the man in a threatening tone.

Lin Lin was slightly surprised when she heard the man's threatening tone. As prime minister, master An himself is not weak either. Then who has so much courage as to threaten prime minister An?

However, Lin Lin chose to stand some distance away but not too far away to hear what the two men were talking about.

It seemed the other people who were there were just 'showcases'. The point is people who are assigned to watch only. They do not have any right to speak in their leader's debate.