'What?! How could that girl find a place to live?! That girl must be bragging right?! I've told everyone in the capital to never give them land or houses that can be sold, even if it's an inn, I've told all the innkeepers in the capital not to accept them as guests,' Minister Bao thought so surprised when he heard what Lin Lin said.

Rest assured, if Lin Lin knew and heard what Minister Bao said in his heart, surely Lin Lin would immediately take out the Black Cat from the dimension space and immediately tell the cat to scratch the man's face.

But suppose that minister Bao's fate is so lucky that Lin Lin doesn't know what minister Bao is thinking.

But suddenly,

"That's not possible! You won't be able to find a place to stay in this capital! You have ordered all inns or land and house owners not to sell or rent them out to you!!! You definitely won't be able to find a place to stay while you're in the capital!" said a soldier there with an arrogant face.