"Why do we have to sneak out secretly? We can tell the gatekeeper to open the gate and then tell them to stay quiet," said Xie Jun Hao, who didn't understand Lin Lin's line of thought.

Lin Lin knocked on Xie Jun Hao's head with enough force to make his master stroke his head while wincing in pain in a low voice.

"They are all no longer your soldiers," said Lin Lin in a displeased tone.

"What do you mean, Lin Lin?" Xie Jun Hao asked while frowning in disbelief.

"The four of them are smoke dolls, just like Sun. It seems that person has succeeded in taking over in your army," said Lin Lin as she continued to observe them.

Xie Jun Hao, who heard that became shocked in disbelief. Is that possible? If it were only Sun disguised as one of his soldiers, then Xie Jun Hao would think that it was just a minor accident, but it would be different if there were five people.