Lin Lin rolled her eyes very wide when she heard the man's words, while Xie Jun Hao, who heard that, immediately smiled happily.

When Lin Lin wanted to reply by saying that the two were not married, Xie Jun Hao had already cut off Lin Lin's words.

"Ah, right, we were taking a walk, and our goal was to go to a town close to here. It's just that it's night now, and the tent we used to use has been destroyed by the spirit beasts we met on the way. So we can only ask for help from the nearest place to let us stay at least one night," said Xie Jun Hao with a very sad expression.

Lin Lin, in her heart, immediately said, is this man good at acting? Even being able to display such a sad expression flawlessly greatly impressed Lin Lin.

Xie Jun Hao nudged Lin Lin when he saw that the men holding the lanterns still seemed to doubt their identities. Lin Lin naturally understood the meaning of the nudge.