Chapter 10

Upstairs in the bedroom, Rocca didn't watch adult movies or take drugs.

During this time, he went to bed early and got up early every day, insisted on fitness, diet and work and rest tended to be regular, after two weeks of hard work, he slowly changed these habits, only occasional episodes of alcohol and drug addiction, he can also bite his teeth and restrain.

In this process, he understood a truth, men have to be tough on themselves to be more cruel to others.

Snap snap

At the computer desk, Rocca began to work, and he was copying the script.

He is a professional screenwriter.

When I first entered the industry, the old screenwriters said that if you want to get started quickly, you must learn more from the successful experience of others, analyze more successful film scripts, those scripts are nutritional products, how much can be absorbed, how much potential there is.

Rocca felt it made sense.

The ancients said that reading a hundred times is self-righteous, familiar with three hundred Tang poems, and can not do poetry but also chant.

If a screenwriter doesn't analyze the scripts of hundreds of successful movies, how can he get ahead? Unless there is money and background.

Rocca is an orphan, has no money and no background, and can only rely on himself.

After joining the company, in the first two years of his job, he analyzed and decomposed two big movies on average every week, mainly Hollywood movies, Oriental movies, Koryo movies, and domestic films.

No matter how much these movies have at the box office, as long as the Douban score is high, he will analyze them one by one.

From the script itself, to the line design, shooting methods, lens language, storyline, character portrayal, to the soundtrack, lighting, props, editing, and even some film reviews.

Analyze the successes and failures of the film.

Each movie has to write tens of thousands of words of more than 100,000 words of script analysis experience, "The Godfather" series, he has written more than 100,000 words of experience, not copy and paste, but word by word.

At the beginning, the newly hired screenwriters all wrote, and after writing, everyone exchanged ideas, and also held meetings to discuss and comment on who wrote the best.

Everyone drank a little wine and shared their writing experience, and the day was very fulfilling and enjoyable.

But after half a year, he was the only one in the unit to write.

Because I have been employed for a long time, everyone has gradually understood the fact that no matter how well the script is written, it is useless, the script that can be made is a good script, and the last word is to make money.

That's the truth.

Rocca also tried to write two scripts to hand over to the above, but unfortunately there was no response.

He felt that his level was not enough, so he studied with peace of mind.

After studying for two years, he had planned to sharpen his sword for two years, and it was a big hit, but unfortunately the studio went out of business.

He became a wild screenwriter, doing odd jobs everywhere.

For the next seven years, he was involved in the script writing of nearly 100 films and television series.

Unfortunately, none of the films were written by him independently, and even if the script won the award, it was not happy.

In his previous life, his greatest wish was to complete a script independently and go on stage alone to receive the award, but it was not realized until his death.

What about this lifetime?

He thought it was still possible.

"There are two kinds of people in this world, one is the kind of people who can live in garden villas, and the other is the kind of people like us who cut grass and wash cars for those who live in garden houses, and if you become a professional player, all of this can change..."

This is a line from the movie "One Ball fame".

These days Rocca is thinking about which movie to copy.

Not long ago, there was a British football film called "I Love Beckham", which was released in the United States, cost less than five hundred dollars to produce, and reached $76 million at the global box office, causing a wave of sports movie fever.

Rocca thought about it for a long time and decided to copy a movie related to football, that is, "One Goal Fame".

The film's box office performance is not high, but the film is highly evaluated, and it is a football movie, the predecessor is an international footballer, and now it will not seem abrupt to write a movie about football.

So after much deliberation, he planned to make his debut film.

"One Goal to Fame" is about the American dream of a soccer teenager.

In the movie, the protagonist leaves his hometown as a child and comes to Los Angeles with his family.

When he worked in a Chinese restaurant, he often appeared on the rudimentary football field on the street, and his posture and skillful movements quickly attracted the attention of scouts.

He then developed into a superstar at Newcastle United in the Premier League with his football talent and tireless efforts.

The narrative method of this film is relatively simple, the content of the story is closer to the identity of the predecessor, and it will not be too abrupt to use this script as a debut work.

When copying the script, Rocca changed slightly, the protagonist's nationality was changed to Brazilian, the appearance image was closer to his own, and his name was changed to Kaka.

The predecessor and Kaka know each other and have played football together.

Unfortunately, with a car accident, the predecessor became a wasted man, but Kaka has emerged in football and is about to soar.

Replace it with Kaka rubbing a wave of heat.

"Kaka, football is always faster than you, so, we need to pass the ball..."

Bang bang~

While I was working, suddenly the door was pushed open and someone shouted, "Hey, what are you doing?!" "

Rocca was startled and looked back unhappily to see Lima standing in the doorway with her arms around her, her plump red lips, smiling with a hint of cunning in her eyes.

"Lima, what are you calling?"

"Haha, scared, Rocca, are you doing something bad to be so involved?"

Lima walked by on long legs and leaned over to glance at the screen, where there was only one document and a dense array of words.

Somewhat disappointed, I asked, "What is this?" "

"A movie's after-effects, extracurricular assignments!"

The script was not yet finished, and Rocca had no intention of speaking out.

"You're just doing your homework in the room?"

Lima furrowed her thick brown eyebrows, her face tinged with surprise and disbelief.

"Or else?"

Rocca asked in a nonchalant manner.

"I thought... Haha, nothing, you keep writing! "

Lima waved her hand, turned and sat down by the bed, looking around at his bedroom, the bed, wardrobe, sofa were neatly packed, the floor, walls, and tabletops were clean, and there was a good smell.

Lima raised an eyebrow, and the change was quite large.

In the past, there were many hot posters of female celebrity models in this room, as well as posters of herself and Kate's underwear, but now there is none.

Multiple white art bookshelves in the corners of the room.

The shelves are filled with hundreds of books and magazines related to film performance, such as "Research on the Structure of Hollywood Film Scripts", "The Soul of Film", "Film Aesthetics", "Basic Theory of Film", "On Film Writers, Directors and Actors", "Film Asset Management", "The Power of Lenses", "Appreciation of Classic Films", "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", "A Song of Ice and Fire" and so on.

There was also a large book spread out on the desk, and a notebook, which looked a lot like a good student's room.

Snap snap

There was a rhythmic tapping sound from the side, and Lima's eyes fell on him again.

Beige kaftan and slacks, simple and stylish, dark brown medium long hair is clean and neat, only a strand of hair on the forehead is on the brow, his eyebrows are very beautiful, brown-black, thick and thick.

At this time, he frowned slightly, pursed his good-looking lips, a pair of black spirit eyes stared at the screen without blinking, his hands flew over, and the white light reflected on his face, making his white face more handsome, and also a little more mature charm, and wisdom.

Lima looked at the side of his face quietly, wondering, when did this guy become so good-looking?

"What to see?"

Suddenly Rocca turned his head and asked.

Lima naturally tilted her head and brushed her hair that was falling to her ear, "Nothing, your room is really messy."


Rocca looked at it and didn't notice anything messed up.

"It's chaotic everywhere, and you're still the same as before, nothing has changed!"

Lima threw off her hair, twisted her waist tightly wrapped in a hip skirt, and went downstairs, the air swirling with J, the temptation of adore's true self perfume, with wildness and unrestrained elegance.

Rocca looked at the empty door, not knowing what she was running.

Never mind!

He didn't bother to think about it, and quietly coded the words.


After a while, Kate came up again, pinching both sides of his ear and asking, "Honestly, what did you just do to Lima?" "


Rocca was inexplicable.

"Don't pretend, Lima just came out in a hurry, and said goodbye without saying two words, did you do anything to her?"

Kate raised her sword-like eyebrows and looked a little dissatisfied.

Rocca almost didn't cry, "Kate, I haven't left this chair since I entered the room, what do you think I'm going to do?" "

Kate stared at him twice, wondering, "Why did Nalima leave in a hurry?" "

"You can call and ask, I would love to know"

Rocca shrugged his shoulders.

Kate thought for a moment, confused, and she looked at the computer, "What are you writing?" "

"A script!"

Rocca explains, "The screenwriting teacher encouraged us to be bold and write stories that we wanted to write."

"One-shot fame?"

Kate rudely squeezed his ass and squeezed into a couch with him, "Brazilian youth team, football, coach, green field, are you writing football?" "

"Yes, I know a lot about football, I want to start with football and rewrite the story of a Brazilian football teenager who broke into the United States based on my experience"

"Your experience? Sounds very good"

Kate read a few pages with interest, "The previous story is wonderful, more interesting than the article in the fashion magazine, but..."

"What's wrong?"

"But Rocca, why isn't there me in your story?"

Kate raised an eyebrow and asked a little disapprovingly.

Rocca was helpless, "Kate, you think, if the protagonist has a supermodel sister who is worth millions, even if he succeeds, how can he be counted as the American dream?" "

"Haha, you're right, but I'll have to be in the next story"

"Emmm, all right!"

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