Chapter 20

Best New Model? No, he's just a poisonous worm."

Yesterday, while the fashion magazines and newspapers were still talking about Rocca, the New York American Newspaper suddenly released a different news.

The New York American is the most famous colored newspaper in the United States, formerly known as the New York News in New York.

Its newspaper policy is to get first-hand news at all costs, like to use various pictures to stimulate readers, like to report some celebrity gossip, peach news, celebrity divorce cases and so on.

This newspaper is one of the most undisciplined in the United States.

This time, the New Yorker reported the news of the new 'supermodel' Rocca on the entertainment page, using the method of opposing the tone to win the attention of readers.

As always, in this issue, The New Yorker uses a large number of pictures to ensure the accuracy of their news.

Picture 1, Rocca crouched in the corner with a pale face, clenching his teeth and looking hideous.

The accompanying text is on the eve of the stage, Rocca is addicted to drugs and is preparing to eat jujube pills.

In Figure 3, Rocca stands on the runway in good spirits.

The accompanying text is that Rocca reluctantly came to power after eating the jujube pill.

In Figure Seven, Rocca stripped naked and lay on the cold floor to relieve the pain.

The accompanying text is that after Rocca finished the second show, he once again ate the jujube pill, but collapsed to the ground due to overdose, and he was unconscious.

In Figure IX, Rocca is carried to the car on a stretcher by Ed and others.

The accompanying text is that Rocaine ate too many jujube pills, fell into shock, and was taken away by ambulance.

Nine pictures were used in the newspaper to prove that Rocca was taking jujube pills and that Rocca was a problematic model.

Although there are all kinds of bad problems in the modeling circle, smoking,, suicide, AIDS, etc., on the surface, the modeling circle is at least beautiful and beautiful.

A problematic model has no future, because not many brands are willing to choose a problematic model to endorse their own products.

This report confirms that Rocca is an unhealthy model.

At the end of the news, the New Yorker said in a mocking tone: "Is there a shortage of people in the fashion industry now?" Why does so much of the media tout a newcomer model with an obscure reputation at the same time?

Is it to earn PR fees?

Oh guys, you can't be like this, as journalists, our reporting must be objective, fair, truthful, and we can't ignore the facts and have no bottom line to tout a new person and say that he is not inferior to an old supermodel.

Oh, maybe you're right, that just goes to show that the current level of supermodels is like before.

Mr. Marton of Details, you said that Rocca has a very raw strength, I think this is probably the reaction of his overdose, you say that he is the most anticipated rookie model of the year, I think your expectations have been disappointed...

Oh yes, and Mr. Frank of Armani, I heard you're going to ask Rocca for the new denim, are you sure?! "


Kate smashed the newspaper to the ground, and her heart was broken when she saw Roca's pain in the newspaper, but the newspaper also spread rumors that Rocca was taking drugs.

"Vacovar, I must sue it until it goes bankrupt"

"Kate, don't get excited, sucking is nothing in the fashion circle, and Rocca is not sucking, we can explain"

Lima advised softly.

"No, some things are inexplicable"

Kate shook her head, in the modeling circle, it doesn't matter what you suck, but when you take it to the table, it's a big problem.

A new talent came out and encountered such news, which was equivalent to pouring a pot of boiling water on the young seedlings.

Rocca was also a little helpless after reading the report, these days there are many newspapers and magazines reporting on his performance at the Armani costume show, and some of the media really think he is doing well before reporting.

A large part of the newspaper is the result of Ed and Kate's joint public relations, and the two use the company's channels to public relations, taking advantage of the opportunity to hype him and make him a supermodel.

The effect is very good.

Unfortunately, when it was time to succeed, someone came to stir up muddy waters, and the move was fast and fierce, catching people off guard.

If this matter is not explained clearly, Rocca's road in the fashion circle will be broken, even if it is explained clearly, what is the use?

At this time, Armani was selecting advertising models for denim fashion.

Missed this wave of opportunities, the next time is far away.

"Kate, don't worry about it"

Roccane looked at Kate and told her not to be impatient, "Ed, what are you going to do?" "

Ed is an old agent, and he should not lose his balance in dealing with crisis public relations.

Ed groaned and said slowly, "First, these photos were taken by the staff in the backstage of the exhibition, and this person should be your temporary assistant John."

Rocca nodded, and there was a gap between the various model dress-up venues, and only John was next to it at the time.

"According to the regulations, the staff can not shoot in the background, let alone sell the model's photos, John violated the rules, the organizer is also responsible, we can find the organizer to assist in the investigation, if necessary we can sue John, sue the New York American"

Ed said calmly.

"No, the prosecution process is too long, we are Brazilians again... Regardless of the outcome of the lawsuit, Rocca lost the opportunity to endorse Armani."

Kate shook her head, not quite in favor of this approach.

Ed sighed, "Kate, in fact, Mr. Frank's assistant has just called, roca lost this opportunity."


Kate said angrily, "How can this be! "

"Kate, don't get excited, I'm just a newcomer, I never wanted to become a supermodel all at once, nor did I think I could get an endorsement this time, this endorsement was not mine, losing it is not nothing"

Rocca did not plan to be a model at first, he planned to be an actor, part-time screenwriter and novel, modeling just to make some pocket money, he did not expect this series of things to happen.

Everything happened so fast that it was dizzying.

"Rocca, you shouldn't think like this, you endured the pain to complete three shows, performed so amazingly, won everyone's affirmation and praise, this endorsement is what you deserve"

Kate raised a sword-like brow and said emphatically.

In her career, she will try to perform her best, to fight for everything that can be won, and will never give the benefits to her.

Rocca didn't want to argue with her and asked, "Ed, is there a chance to remedy it?" "

"Yes! You were injured on the road that day, and if you can find a few witnesses and surveillance video to prove that you saved someone, everything will be fine."


Kate excitedly said, "As long as we find these two things, or the parents of that baby, we can not only turn defeat into victory, but also make Roca a hero of the city."

Lima also felt good, "Rocca, did you leave the contact information of the young mother?" "

Rocca spread his hands and said helplessly, "I didn't think this would happen, nor did I want the other party to pay, so I didn't leave the other party's information."

"Great pity"

Lima sighed.

"Rocca, you're an idiot, doing good deeds without asking for anything in return, are you when you're Superman?" You're dumber than a three-toed sloth."

Kate scolded unceremoniously.

Rocca bowed his head and did not dare to refute that the education in the past life was noble because of doing good deeds without asking for returns, so he did not even ask the name of the other party that day.

Kate rubbed her forehead, "Ed, is there surveillance on the street in front of Hearst Square?" "

"I'll check it out!"

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