Chapter 30

(Sorry, the previous one was modified)

At noon, in the gym of the apartment, Rocca was doing rehabilitation training on the trainer.

After living in the hospital for more than half a month, Rocca gained ten pounds, although he was tall and looked nothing, but foreigners' physique was more likely to get fat, fitness was a must, and he did not want to play with Leonardo in the future.

Since his lumbar vertebrae are still recovering, the amount of exercise per day cannot be too large, and only some simple exercises can be done.

After practicing for an hour, sweat soaked through the sweatshirt, he slowly stood up with the leg pedal machine.

After a few days of sneaking practice, he can basically move around flexibly, and there will be no pain in his waist, and if Joel sees it, he will definitely marvel at his perverted resilience.

"Rocca, how did you get up?"

Suddenly someone at the door shouted.

Rocca was startled and said disapprovingly, "Kate, you scared me."

Kate smiled and walked into the gym with a pair of high riding boots, wearing tight jeans and a pink loose knit, wild, handsome, hot, and somewhat girly.

"Okay, I'm sorry, but Joel said your lumbar spine is not good enough, at least a month in a wheelchair"

Kate said holding his shoulder.

"No need to help!"

Rocca grabbed his cane and said, "Joel can't believe everything he said, he said that because he wanted me to go to the hospital a few more times, and then I could see you."

"You're wrong, now Joel is socializing with Isa"

"Is that so?"

Rocca shook his head, he had thought Joel was pretty good, thick and honest, and he didn't expect to be a guy.

Walking out of the gym, I saw a pile of letters on the table, "What is this?" "

"The reply letter from each publishing agency company, the content is the same, unfortunately, your work does not meet the company's acceptance requirements, look forward to your re-submission"

Kate said with some disappointment.

"Did you refuse again?"

Rocca was a little helpless, after the last discussion, Nina took the manuscript of "Twilight" to negotiate with major publishing companies, including Random House, Harper Press, Ashett Books, etc., which are the largest publishing companies in the United States.

Nina hopes that Twilight's grades will be better and make Kate's supermodel writer's name louder.

The reality is harsh.

The cultural circle and the fashion circle in the United States are clearly distinguished, and people in the cultural circle do not look up to the models in the fashion circle, let alone the novels written by supermodels.

When the editor-in-chief of Random House received Nina, he heard that it was a novel written by supermodel Kate and laughed out loud.

The editor-in-chief of Harper Publishing Only read two photos and picked a bunch of mistakes, indicating that the level was not enough.

Archet Press was willing to act as an agent for the publication, but the conditions were very harsh, only promised to give 5% royalties, and Kate cooperated with them to promote the distribution.

Nina refuses without hesitation, as she only wants to make money with Kate's fame and doesn't care about novels.

Several other publishers were in a similar situation, either directly or indirectly rejecting the novel Twilight.

In desperation, Nina and Kate had to lower their standards and hand over manuscripts to more than a dozen small and medium-sized publishing houses.

A week passed, and I received replies one after another, all of which were rejected.

Rocca was also a little helpless when he saw these letters, and he had heard that the original author had been repeatedly rejected when he submitted the manuscript, and he did not expect that if he changed to Kate, it would be the same treatment.

Rocca scratched his head darkly, could it be that there was something wrong with his memory, and the version copied out was too different from the original? Or did you get the problem yourself out of it?

Seeing his frustrated face, Kate wrapped her arms around his shoulders and comforted, "Rocca, don't be discouraged, it's not that your novels are not well written, but those people have no vision, and they will regret it in the future."

"Well, hopefully that day will come sooner!"

Rocca smiled lightly, not too concerned, the novel could not be published, but there was no way to occupy the pit, less money, well, right, in the future the original author appeared, do you want to sue the original author for plagiarism?

Jingle Bells~

"Hello~, Emily?"

Emily was the baby's mother, Han Li, twenty-eight years old, an international student at New York University, who found an American after graduation and settled in New York.

Last time, when recording a superman talk show, Han Li and her husband also came with their children, thanked him in person, and said that they wanted to pay for his hospitalization.

Rocca refused, and he was not short of the two dollars.

After that, Ms. Han came to several phone calls to inquire about his body.

"Well, this afternoon... Yes, welcome! "

Hanging up the phone, Rocca said to Kate, "Emily and her husband are ready to visit the house."

"Okay! I went to the supermarket to buy some fruit and came back."


At four o'clock in the afternoon, the apartment welcomed three guests, it was Han Li and her husband Felix Mason, and Jessica, who was only ten months old.

"Hi Emily, Fili, and Jessica Jr."

Rocca and Kate greeted the three at the door.

"Hi Roca kate!"

Han Li's husband, Phoenix, is a German-American in his thirties, with brown curly hair and white skin, an ordinary appearance, and a polite dress, but a cute little doll hanging in front of him, which is a bit funny.

Beside her stood Han Li.

Han Li was not tall, slightly fat, with a round face, very blessed, she was holding a cardboard box in her hand, and she was a little surprised to see Rocca on crutches.

"Oh, Rocca, can you stand up?" Hello really fast! "

Rocca smiled lightly and reached out to invite the two of them in the door, "The doctor said that my resilience is very strong, maybe in a few days I can run."

"God bless, that's great"

Han Li said happily.

"Emily, you can't use the gift you brought"

"It's okay, just do your best!"

Rocca was walking in front of him when he suddenly heard the two people behind him whispering in Chinese.


What gift?

"Fili Emily, please sit!"

Entering the living room, Kate served two cups of coffee and freshly cut fruit.

Han Li thanked him, hesitated, opened the paper box, and raised a glass jar from inside.

As soon as Rocca saw this jar, his eyes widened, and I went to see that it was a jar of medicinal liquor, with ginseng, angelica, He Shouwu, and a half-foot-long bone stick.

This thing looks so intimate that he has the feeling that he will cross to the country.

"Wow, Emily, what is this?"

Kate looked a little scared.


Han Li blushed a little and said, "This is called 'tiger bone wine', it is made of Chinese herbal medicine and tiger bone, in our country, someone hurt the bone, just drink this wine, the effect is very good, this altar tiger bone wine I looked for a long time to find an altar"

Rocca believes that this is true, and now there are too few people who make this thing, especially in the United States, and it is very heartwarming to find a jar.

"Tiger bone wine? Is this the bone of a tiger? "

Kate stared at the glass jar like a curious baby.

"Yes, this is the bone of a Bengal tiger"

Han Li explained, looked at Rocca and asked, "Rocca, do you want to try it?" "

"Haha, why not, I've heard of TCM and heard it's amazing"

Rocca said with a smile.

"Rocca, do you really dare to try this wine?"

Felix laughed.

"Of course!"

Rocca skillfully opened the lid of the wine altar, and suddenly a strong aroma of wine spilled out of the altar, and the fragrance was pleasant, as if it were fenjiu.


Kate shook her head darkly, it was obviously a dark dish, how could it be tried indiscriminately.

"It's okay Kate, I used to recuperate in Brazil and used to drink this wine"

Rocca took the glass and poured a small half cup, tasted it, drank it all, the rich aroma of medicine and wine walked from his mouth into his throat, and a hot feeling spread from his stomach throughout his body.

"Good wine!"

He couldn't help but marvel.

"Wow, you're brave!"

Felix exclaimed.

Kate blinked, clearly scolding someone for being stupid.

"Emily, I love this gift, thank you so much"

Rocca laughed.

"Rocca, thank you for enjoying this gift"

Han Li breathed a sigh of relief and looked at her husband with a smile in her eyes.

Felix smiled and took out from his briefcase a simplely bound booklet with the word 'Twilight' printed on the cover.

"Oh, Fili, how come this manuscript is here for you?"

Kate asked in surprise.

Felix laughed and said, "Introduce yourself, I'm the general manager of Greenwood Press, and you've submitted a manuscript to our press, right?" "


Kate forgot that nina had done it, and since the other person said so, it should be true.

"Fili, did you come to the door to reject the manuscript yourself?"

Rocca laughed,

"No, we're here for cooperation!"

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