A New Life, An Old Letter.

December, 2018. Los Angeles, California.

8:45 am. (GMT-8)

"Hi, you must have been wondering where I've been huh?"

"It's been five years since I've last seen you, and I don't even know where to begin."

Amelia's fingers type harshly onto her keyboard, speaking out her thoughts as she feels her emotions through her fingers. Amelia sighs, her eyes closing slowly as her sleep has not been consistent. Her eyelids quickly flutter open, as she continues to type.

"After Luca's funeral, and the discovery of Jake being behind the crimes the whole time.. I really just wanted to forget the whole ordeal."

Amelia takes a brisk pause, letting the air inhale into her lungs, and then exhales with yet another sigh.

"So, I moved to Los Angeles. To get away from the pain in my past."

Her eyebrows tilt over her eyes as her expression becomes saddened, as thinking of her past was not something she wanted to remember. Especially, after she spent the last five years trying to forget every little detail. Yet, the memories would always creep up onto her. Like a shadow consuming light from the inside, out.

"I wish you would've believed me sooner, Brenden. Or Luca may actually be alive today. I do miss him."

Amelia, stops all motion. Staring at the words she had typed onto the screen, as if they were foreign to her eyes. Luca's image was burned into the back of her mind, she could forget many things. Push them away so that her subconscious would simply deem them as useless, but Luca's face. She could never forget his face, when she lost him for good. She shakes her head, her ponytail falling off of her shoulder as she fixes her gaze back onto the screen moving her fingers once more.

"But, no I'm not married yet nor do I have children. Being only twenty three in Los Angeles is already a handful. I don't need a baby."

Amelia never wanted children, nor had considered the idea when her father had asked her if she ever would consider it. Amelia, would never consider even having one child. It was not in her plans of life. She smiles, typing her final line to her old friend.

"I hope you will be getting back to me soon, I know how you do have kids this time around. Sincerely with love, Amelia." With a long sigh, Amelia clicks send on her message to her old comrade, placing her laptop onto the counter table and slouches back into her living room couch. Her arms resting on top of the edges, breathing slowly as she closes her eyes just for a brief moment of rest. It had been a long time since Amelia had any time to rest for herself. Yet, she liked the adrenaline she felt always being on top of things.

"Is my little agent tired already? You haven't been called out for four hours." Amelia's eyes quickly open to see Dallas Linch, her boyfriend. Not only her boyfriend, but her partner in crime. Working side by side together in the forces of law. A funny way to be committed to someone, is it not?

She sits up in her place, as Dallas walks towards her. His long strides kept her eyes secure on him, his body uncovered from the top waist up. Amelia was modest when it came to staring, however sometimes it was very hard for her to remove her eyes from him. Dallas gently smiles in her direction, a known gesture.

She chuckles, as Dallas sits next to her placing an arm around her shoulders. "Says you, not being able to stay away from your cases."

Amelia places a hand on Dallas' chest, Dallas cupping her chin lightly. Their gaze meets for a moment until their lips intertwine. Dallas was not very passionate, but when he was he loved hard. His personality and romantic instincts did not always click, especially when it was towards Amelia herself. Dallas pulls away, a deep chuckle emerging from his throat.

"As much as I would love to stay with you all day Amelia, I still have paperwork to fill out." With that statement, a frown hit Amelia's lips. She was always quite sad not seeing Dallas for hours on end, as his job was just as hectic as hers. However, did their relationship even work, she thought. He must love her quite a lot to go through all the trouble.

She whines, putting both her hands on his bare chest. "Oh come on Dallas, just a few more minutes--"

Her phone begins to buzz rapidly, Amelia looks in the direction of her cell phone. She leans forward grabbing it off of the table, Dallas smiling behind her. She looks back at him,

"I guess you're going out baby. Be safe, I love you." Dallas moves Amelia's hairs out of the way of her forehead, leaving a gentle kiss. Dallas quickly gets up from his seat on the couch, exiting the living room.

Amelia groans, placing her hand on her forehead. "Ugh, I can't believe I'm being called out again." She stands up, flattening her shirt and exiting the living room into her bedroom to get dressed. It was not unexpected for Amelia to be called out so suddenly, but with very little sleep or relaxation time she was bound to be cranky at points.

Walking into her bedroom, Amelia pulls her pink tank top over her head tossing it onto the bed, neatly made. She slides off her sweatpants, placing them next to her top. Amelia's skin was tan, yet very beautiful to the eyes. Here and there on her body, scares peaked through from the memories of her past. The things she longed to forget, placed all over her body. At first, she couldn't even look at herself in the many mirrors around her, but now they seemed faint in her vision.

She walks towards her closet, opening the brown doors to her wardrobe. Amelia liked to keep things classy, clean. Every time she walked into her work environment she wanted everyone to know she was the boss. She pulls out a button up white shirt, sleek blank pants, and dress like shoes with a bit of a heel. She slips the white shirt on one sleeve at a time, before beginning to button it slowly. Her job was not easy, and yet she enjoyed the thrill it gave her. The hours were very tiring, saving lives was not. Amelia sighs, pushing her hands down the folds of her shirt as she finishes her buttons.

"Getting ready I see?" Amelia's attention darts up to the sound of Dallas' voice. His voice was smooth and dark. His vocals speaking at points were almost a growl as his baritone voice ruptured her insides. There he stood, leaning against her door frame; Shirtless. Amelia's eyes couldn't help but trail down his body. From the top of his collarbones, his perfect chest muscles, his course stomach, to where his v-line peaked out ever so teasingly. Amelia quickly looks back up from her scan, smiling lightly.

"I was until you decided to pop up like a ghost." His low laugh peaks as a smile forms on his lips. He moves away from the wall, as Amelia continues to put her clothes on. She pulls one leg up, and then the other as Dallas moves towards her. She seems too focused as she pulls her pants up fully on her body, zipping them up. Looking up, there is Dallas. His hands placed together, veins and all.

"I can't come into my own bedroom, Amelia?" The tone of his voice rocked her. She couldn't tell if he was serious from the way his tone emerged, when he had a smile plastered on his face. Amelia chuckles lightly, stuffing her shirt in her pants.

Dallas' two fingers placed themselves under his chin, slowly and gently pulling her gaze to him. Amelia's eyes were slightly widened, as their stares met. His face inches closer, to the point where their breath could be felt on each other's lips.

"I did expect an answer, Amelia." His smile grows even more, dimples appearing on each side of his lips. She melts inside, as Dallas was undeniably handsome. His fluffy purple hair, strands falling over his forehead. His beautiful light eyes, the shade of lavender. The dozens of freckles all over his face and body, he was the definition of perfection. Even the simple smile of his lips, made her swoon.

"I know you just wanted to come in to watch me change." Amelia breathes out, wrapping her hand around Dallas' wrist. Being with Dallas for so many years, she knew what he was into and not.

He wasn't hypersexual, or expected sexual contact often but she enjoyed that part of him. He knew life was more than that, yet he still touched her subtly to make her feel reassured he still was attracted to her.

Dallas laughs under his breath, as he leans ever so close. Waiting a few seconds, he kisses Amelia's nose ever so gently. Amelia smiles, kissing his nose back.

"Maybe I did, or maybe I wanted to see you off." Dallas lets go of her wrist, wrapping his hands around her waist. He tugs her forward, Amelia's instincts immediately grab onto his shoulders. She still couldn't help but smile, what more could she have asked for in a man?

It wasn't like before, like the first. She was grateful for it.

"You're very sneaky. I'm surprised I haven't caught onto it after so long." Amelia slides her hands down onto his chest, feeling the heat he was emulating. He was warm to the touch, as her body temperature collided with his; her hands were cold as ice. Dallas lightly grips onto Amelia's hands, bringing them up to his lips. His kisses are light, and fleeting; crossing her knuckles of one hand, and then the other. Amelia's heart, fluttered in her chest.

"I like to distract you sometimes, I will admit. Sadly, you have to go."

"Well Dallas, you distract me for more than I can give. You know we both have important jobs in the field." Amelia's tone was very light, and playful. Though the world around them was so bleak, and serious she seemed to feel the brightness around them. Dallas, had become a beacon of light to her the day they had first met. In the awful circumstances, he made sure she excelled to her full potential. Everything that made her who she was, came from his rough hands.

Like a baby bird being let off to fly, all too ready to become its own caretaker.

She leans forward, standing taller to kiss Dallas' lips ever so gently. The fleeting feeling of heat between them. Dallas only smiles, nodding as she pulls away from him. With that, Amelia walks towards their bedroom door. One more time, she looks back at him. She felt so lucky, and content with who she laid next to at night. She turns away, opening the door and disappearing from Dallas' view. A few moments later, the front door is heard creaking open and then shutting.