Red Light Green Light.

6:40 am.(GMT8)

A morning like any other had risen. The sun barely rising within the sky as Amelia had woken up for the start of another day. Doing the daily necessities, taking a shower, brushing her hair, teeth, putting on makeup, and getting dressed. Pulling over her head a brown sweater, followed by dark blue jeans and large black boots. Her small hands lace them up with quick haste, before she's standing from her little chair in front of her bed. Pulling a hair tie from her counter next to her bed, she ties her hair in a low bun. Messy, pulling strands out for the sides of her face. Amelia moves towards her body sized mirror near her bedroom door, earring in hand. She gently slips the golden hoop in her left earlobe, before looking at herself in the mirror.

The person in the mirror was a different person to who she was so many years ago. No more pink locks that swayed down her back, lively eyes that smiled towards the common passerby. There was nothing left of her, that high school girl. Lost in an endless abyss, even within her own mind. As the hands of the agent click open a cap of lipstick, she leans forward. Slowly tracing the cosmetic stick across her bottom lip. Once she's done, she rubs her lips together, smudging it across the top lip. When she messes up, her thumb trails under her bottom lip. Stopping to stare at herself within her reflection.

Amelia now was so much better than who she was. She chuckles at her reflection, placing the lipstick in her pant's pocket. Walking out of her room, and closing the door behind her. Her home was quiet at this usual time of the day. Usually, she would make herself a cup of coffee to get herself through the many hours of the day. Not today, today she didn't need to be energized. Ever since yesterday, she has been on edge from the people she worked over. Trying to find out her information, who she was before she had come to the agency. That was enough adrenaline for her to last through the days. With ease she grabs her coat, just in case of harsher weather. Slipping out of the door, not before she goes to close the door. Hearing the commotion of busy cars, and street life bustling early in the morning. Yet, a foot catches itself within the door. Emerald eyes glance up, to see Dallas' face peaking within the crack.

"Dallas," Amelia sighs, "You could have let me know you were home, instead of giving me a bit of a fright." Her boyfriend chuckles at her response, placing his hand on the edge of the door.

"You seemed in a hurry this morning," He pulled the door open to step outside with her, closing it behind himself. "I wanted to say goodbye, even if I may see you this afternoon." Dallas's smile lightly pulls onto his lips as his hands carefully wrap around her waist. Yet, he quickly tugs her closer to him causing Amelia to gasp in surprise.

Small tanned hands are placed against his chest. Looking up at the abnormally tall man in front of her, his purple hues gleaming down to hers. Amelia's eyebrow raises, "What's with you this morning, being all clingy towards me?" She tilts her head.

Dallas chuckles, "I can't admire you?" He retorts back to her question, "I barely have any time nowadays." His large hand places itself on her cheek as he speaks. Her own gripping onto the cloth of his buttoned up shirt. Her free hand, moves down to his own; Gripping it into a tight hand hold. This, gives a larger smile on the man's face.

"You're a Federal Bureau agent, and I'm a Behavioral Analysis Agent, when do we ever have time for anything?" Amelia attempts to joke, in which Dallas lightly chuckles at her statement. The light mood was something both rarely had within their jobs, only with each other. Dallas was a man of high standards. Always at his best, and Amelia tried her hardest to keep up with the standards he set for himself. To be his equal, in the same field working side by side.

The purple haired man leans down towards his woman, close to her ear. The hot breath fanning onto her earlobe. Amelia tightens, muscles completely on high alert of the temperature rising within her.

"We'll have some time tonight," He whispers into her ear, Amelia being able to simply feel the smirk on his lips from his tone. Dangerous, tempting in all of its glory. A man who could devour her completely, in seconds. Who made her cheeks seem to fluster in the corners of the dark. Amelia's emerald eyes widen at his words, looking up at him as he pulls away from her ear.

"Is that a promise?" She asks,

She didn't have to wait long for a response.

"It's a reminder," Dallas teases, wrapping his arms around her waist once more. Amelia's lips curl into a smile, as her hands wrap around his neck. Gently, Dallas' arms pull her closer into an embrace. Her chest, on his own. Moving his hand sly up her back, to the back of her neck: Kissing her with passion. Immediately Amelia kisses him back, trying to keep herself away from the callings of temptation. One of her hands placed on top of his wrapped on her waist. The kisses are passionate, filled with fire that could last for years to come. Even when they pull away, the fire trailing between the two of them ignites; Never dimming.

Amelia sighs, "I'll call you after work, okay?" With her words, Dallas nods. "Okay gorgeous, don't be afraid to call me anytime." He says back.

With those words, they exchange goodbyes and quickly part ways. Amelia waking down their driveway, unlocking her car. Quickly she gets into the driver's side, and starts her car. Pulling herself out of her driveway, and making her way down the street. Not before catching a glance of Dallas once more, moving towards their other car. Amelia's lips grace with a light smile, as she waves to him from the inside of her car. Dallas waves back, shooting her a wink as she pulls out of their driveway. Moving down the bustling street that you grew to love and adore. Los Angeles took many years to get used to. Living in an entirely different place, leading another life. Only having a man she barely knew as her guide, someone who taught her everything she knew. Amelia's hands clutch onto the steering wheel.

The past, was simply that; The past. Nothing from her past could be changed now, as time would never be reversed. If she could, she would have done it ages ago. Replaced the walk down a dark alleyway on the first day of school with something tame; Asking her father to drive her, taking the bus, a friend picking her up. Something, anything that gave her the chance to avoid the tyrant that paraded proudly over the corpses of the loved, the missed, and the innocent.

Even his father. Like father, like son it seemed. One had become deranged with his own obsession, and his offspring truly followed in his footsteps. Both completely destroyed, and yet their stories were different in the seams. Her mother did not survive; Amelia did. Instincts were the only thing that had saved her from the moment of death. Her mother never knew what was going to come back to haunt her. Lily was not a good woman either.

Amelia loved her mother, and yet hated her all the same. Hated her for lying to her for so many years, for making her father lie. In some form of protection, it did work. However, it made her blind to the dangers that were directly in front of her. It was too late, all of these thoughts were too late. They kept her up, tireless hours of wondering if she had known sooner what could have changed. If she could have saved all those lost, if she could have sacrificed herself instead.

She stops at a red light, sighing as she presses her forehead against the steering wheel. Hands gripped onto the material, strands of hair swept over her cheeks. A pit in her stomach became more evident with the lack of movement, of distracting thoughts to detour the emotions she was feeling. Head peering up at the light.

Red. Red. Red.

No movement, nothing but the sound of her heart beating against her chest. The light could have moved any faster, and yet the simple notion of it becoming green felt an eternity away. Emerald eyes staring at the color, the bright red shade as it stood at a stand still. Turn green, her mind asked. Turn green so I can distract myself with my work, even with the simple movement of driving a car. Let me not think about the deceased, the forgotten, the unavenged. The ghosts, haunt her even after their death bed. The one's she could not save, the ones who died because of her. Spirits that could not rest, would not be able to rest. The ones who stood beside her, only to be ripped from the fabric of the world that was reality. The ones whose families blamed her for the loss of their daughter, their son. The one she let in, to bring terror to lives; To have her cower, and shake with blood on her hands. Insides flipped outside, bodies contorted in inhumane ways, echoes of screams and cries.

The light switches to green.

Amelia presses her foot on the gas, sitting up straight with a sense of relief. Now, her thoughts could focus on the road. The destination, the agency where work began but never truly ended. The ideals for the day, the cases that they were to take over from different jurisdictions. The ghosts that seeped within her mind, would be at a halt for now. Only until she was in her bed once more. Trying her best to close her eyes, and sleep peaceful dreams. To be awoken by the blood curdling screams of those, who trusted her.

Her car only took 10 minutes to get to the agency, and many others were beginning to arrive as well. Agents leaving their cars, coming towards in groups to converse before the start of the day. Many through her windows seemed joyous, excited for the day. A job where death follows, would never be exciting in those ways to her.Amelia parks her car, and quickly opens the driver's side door. Grabbing her bag filled with files, and slamming her car door shut. Locking it with one click of her keys, she begins to walk with the increasing crowd. The harsh soles of her boots hit the steps, as many entered the building. One man holding the door, nodding to him as a thank you. Amelia enters the agency, as she always did every morning.

The way eyes followed her, did not bother her anymore. When she first came to the agency, they were staring at her for a simple joke. A girl with her stature, her look; Would have never made it to be in a high position. That was what many whispered within their little groups. Now, many of those who teased and commented about her were now working under her. Fate, had a funny way of making the tables turn. She represented beauty, brains, and power within one's small frame. All agents under her knew not to mess with her, and would be shown their place if they tried to heighten themselves against her.

As her legs strutted down the halls, many of the agents were stationed in their own places. Many standing in the hallways chatting, some at desks to be able to get work done by themselves. While other sections in conference rooms with walls made of glass. Everyone being spread out, and busy. It was how she liked it, even if she did not own the entire agency; Amelia was a bit part of the operation within it.

Her emerald eyes glance around the many faces, most she would not be able to recognize with a name. Until her eyes spot two of her agents: Agent Linch and Agent Wilson. With their presence known to her, she began to walk towards them. Both parties had noticed her presence and quickly stopped their conversation. Standing tall, as she approached them. Her hard boots stop in front of them, Amelia giving them a nod.

"Agent Linch, Agent Wilson." Amelia begins, before feeling a tap on her shoulder. Her head quickly turns back to catch a glimpse of the person who had touched her. Amelia was ready for it to be a new recruit, coming to introduce themselves to her. Giving them a lesson on day one: Never to touch her.

Yet when her eyes meet the person in front of her, they widen. Amelia's heart drops to her stomach, and even then her insides twist. It was if a nightmare had appeared in front her eyes. Nothing compared to the sleeping terrors that would end once her eyes opened. This, was real. Right in front of her, a person she had never thought to see again. Amelia didn't want to see them again, not after what her presence had done to her.