Sworn to Secrecy.

It almost seemed too easy, however it was what she was trained for. If things began to go sour, she would be prepared for the situation that arose. Her mind was always running rampant with possible scenarios, and solutions to get out of them with little to no injuries. So as Ricardo sat himself on a velvet couch, her eyes peered around the V.I.P area. Mirrors hug themselves on the walls, and on top of the ceiling. The velvet couch stretched across the room in a circular structure. Light music played through speakers in all four corners: Slow jazz. The light of the room was changed every few seconds or so, filling with different shades of seductive colors. Dark shades of red, bright shades of pink, and even dark seas of blue. Under her heels was the wooden floor, fluffy shaded carpet sat in the center of the room.

Now the only two in the room were her, and him. The perfect opportunity to end what she had come to demolish. She'd do it with grace, and with style.

"Amazed aren't you, I can see you looking at everything." Ricardo sighs, leaning back with his legs spread open. His fingers beckon her to come to him, and with grace she slowly walks to him. Hips swaying back and forth before standing in front of him. His eyes trailing every curve and line of her figure. Tempted to the touch, yet not doing so.

His head tilts to look up at her, "Come here." He says, to which Amelia straddles herself on top of his lap. This brings the older man's large hands onto her hips. Running his tongue across his lips, rubbing his hands on the fabric of her dress. Inside, she cringed at the way he touched her. On the outside, she giggles, placing her hands gently on his cheeks. Rubbing her thumbs against the rough stubble on his cheeks.

"Your body is fucking sexy, big tits, big ass, you're the full package." His grip tightens on her waist. Inside her mind was throwing up at the sudden pressure his hands held. Amelia had to compose her facial features, to make sure nothing showed her anger and disgust. She just lightly giggles, running her fingers under the man's chin.

Her index finger gently tilts his eyes to face her own. Leaning forward with a slight smirk on her lips, trailing her index finger down his throat. The action has the man's throat caught in a gasp, continuing her finger down onto his exposed chest. Amelia's fingers wrap around the golden chain that hangs loosely on his neck.

"Aren't you charming, Mr.Lonade." Amelia purrs, leaning closer to him. Lips barely touching, breath fanning against one another's mouths. The man's hips rose under her, he was waiting for her to kiss him. "So handsome, so vexing, so.." Her chest presses closer against him, all the while his attention is clearly on the curves of her body.

Not the slipping of her hand to thigh, under her dress. Her hand grips onto her handgun, hidden under the small fabric of her dress. With a swift motion, the gun is clicked against the man's side. His eyes widen towards her, "So stupid," Amelia finally sheds her facade, spitting in disgust at the man sat below her. Pushing the head of the gun deeper into the man's side.

Ricardo groans, eyebrows furrowing at her. Unable to move in his position, his face laced with anger. "What the hell is this?!" He snarls, Amelia poking the gun deeper into his side. She wasn't going to let him get away, not when she had him completely in her grasp.

With her free hand, she puts her hand into the front of her dress. Pulling out a leather material, dropping open to show her badge. On the badge displayed her agent number, ID photo, and her department. Suddenly his eyes widen, before Amelia is quickly putting the badge back into its original place. "You're that agent that's been on my ass!" He shouts.

"That's Agent Reston to you, did you not see the badge?" She jokes, "Now, you're coming with me. If you try to resist, don't think I won't take you by force. I'm perfectly capable." With her words, he laughs leaning his head into the couch. Amelia tilts her head, eyebrow raised at his sudden laugh.

"You? Take me? You're a little bitch, you can't take me. You won't take me." The older man chuckles, snapping his fingers. Before she is able to say anything else, the clicking of other guns is heard. With quickness, she turns to aim her gun behind her. There stood two men dressed in black, both armed and targeted. Eyes darted between them, as her finger was tight on the trigger.

Her ears perk up to the shifting of movement behind her, followed by a relaxed sigh.Unable to see her original target, her eyes of emerald shades are focused on the two men infront of her. The trailing of an object can be felt against her back: Another click. The situation had gone too smoothly until now she supposed, this was what she was trained to deal with.

"All so pretty, but not too bright. Now be a good girl and put the gun down on the ground." The gun is poked into her back, Amelia groans. "Get to it, don't keep me fucking waiting." She pauses at his words, but gives into the demands. Slowly crouching down to place her handgun onto the floor. "Atta girl, hands up where I can see them. Don't try to do anything sneaky now."

Amelia stands tall once more, holding her hands on each side of her head. "Sneaky? Ricardo, I'm not a little rat like you." She taunts him, a light smirk tugging onto her lips. The gun is pushed further into her back, "You walked into the wrong club missy. With no one to help you either. You're lucky if I punch you full of only bullet holes." The man snarls, with a dark chuckle as he forcefully pushes her forward.

A normal person with no skill nor experience, would be fearful for their life. Pleading, begging for release, to be given a second chance at life. Not Amelia, the dark haired bombshell had come close to death too many times to count. If the training had not prepared her, the real life scenarios did. Something like this happened on the weekly, even daily. The men before her, were fools to underestimate her skills. If they truly knew of her capabilities, they would have cowered in fear the moment they learned her true identity.

Tiresome years of schooling, on top of months of training throughout the police academy. Even if she had graduated early, even if she had come out the top of her class: The real life stings and operations could never have prepared the fresh faced woman with her award and badge. Now she had become fearless, willing to make any man cower.

Amelia sighs, tilting her head to the side. "Oh Ricardo, I think you're the lucky one here." She pauses, eyes glancing between the men in front of her. In a split second, she drops down to the floor once more. Quickly sticking her leg out and dropping the two men in front of her. The swift kick and tumble gives her enough time to grab her gun in front of her. The men get up quickly however, which brings Amelia onto her heels as fast as she can.

One man swings his fists to hit contact with her cheek, but she ducks down to punch the man in the gut. Wheezing to catch himself, her heel makes contact with his leg; Toppeling one leg to its knee, to then punch the man in the face. With one man down the other quickly begins to initiate his attack. Amelia's hands waste no time in their assault. Punching the man quickly from one side to the other, giving him no room to get any damage in before kicking him hard in the stomach. With one more swift motion, she drops to a crotch once more: swiftly swiping the man off of his feet. Both men were now unconscious, unable to protect their boss.

Getting back on her feet to turn around, she catches the fist Ricardo had tried to get past her. Amelia grips onto his fist, twisting his arm back. The older man yelps in pain, being pushed in front of Amelia. His arm now held against his back, the gun cocked to his head.

She leans forward towards his ear, "You're lucky I'm only taking you to jail. Jail is too kind to you." Amelia snarls, eyes darting at the minions now still. The man squirms and struggles within her grasp, only to be held in a tight grip by her hands. "You're coming with me. You're going away for a long time."

Ricardo laughs, eyes darting to look back at Amelia. "You really think I'm going to be in jail?! I'll get out, and when I do I'll get your bitchy little ass. I'll give you what you deserve!" His threatening yells only cause her to chuckle. Pushing his posture up forcefully to stand straight; Gun still locked on his back.

Her fingers press onto the earpiece in her ear, calming speaking: "We got him, send backup and shut the place down. Don't let any minions get away." Sighing in satisfaction, she leans to Ricardo's ear. Tapping the gun on his back, clearly amused by his clear distaste of her. Anger of being captured by a woman half his size.

"You want to give me what I deserve? Get in line." Her hand forcefully pushes Ricardo forward, withheld on his arm against his back. Stepping over the minion's now on the floor, Amelia pushes her way out of the V.I.P room.

Back out inside of the club itself, many of her agents had now stormed into the club. Helping unsuspecting guests out, arresting anyone involved with Ricardo's schemes, as well as shutting down the entire facility. Without the other agents, she would not be able to get the job done. Although she had captured the leader, the rest of the mess would be more to clean up on her own. Finally the ordeal was over, all she had to do was simply get him to talk.

As she walked him through the club, he seemed to be quieter than he had been only minutes before. "Ricardo, why did you change the name of your cartel?" Amelia asks bluntly, which pulls a smile on Ricardo's lips.

"You really think I would tell you? I would rather get a bullet to the mouth than give you what the hell you're looking for." His voice filled with venom, hatred. "I was sworn to secrecy, I'm a man of honor. Of respect, unlike you: Using your body like a slut."

"Anything to catch predators like you." She retorts back, sighing. Of course she would get nothing out of him. Yet, he had said something to mildly interest her. He was sworn to secrecy, Amelia knew he was the top of his chain. Or perhaps, there was someone more powerful than him.

That simple question would branch off to so many other possibilities.However, she needed to get the situation under control before she began to analyze the dawning question. Amelia gets Ricardo to the entrance of the club, many police officers and agents waiting outside. Some interviewing witnesses, others following through with arrests. She meets with two agents at the door, quickly pushing the larger man into their hands.

Amelia nods at them, "Cuff him and get him in a car to maximum security. He's going to go away for a long time." The man continues to struggle as the clicking of cuffs is heard, being forcefully pulled away from their close stance.

"You bitch, I'll make sure you get what's coming to you! You're lucky, you'll need me! You'll fucking need me!" His words go in one ear and out the other for her, waving her hand in dismissal.

Whatever the man had to say, she didn't need to hear it any longer. If she needed something out of him in the future, she knew she would be able to get it. Wiping her hands clean of him for the time being.

"Hey, boss." Amelia turns to the left of her, seeing the two agents she had come into the mission with.

"Hm?" She responds, looking between the two women.

"The police are taking them to the station. Ricardo isn't talking though." Beth speaks, holding her hands in front of her. Ellis looked at her partner, nodding in confirmation.

Amelia sighs, "It's quite alright.. I couldn't get much out of him anyways. He said he was 'sworn to secrecy'." The idea of Ricardo swearing to keep something a secret did not sit well with her, as the man was a bull. Charging at anything he laid his eyes on, never being able to keep things under wraps nor from spilling from his lips.

"Of what?" Ellis asks, tilting her head. Amelia dismisses the question with her hand, "Who knows, but thank you for a clean evacuation. We're lucky the men went quietly, or someone would've gotten hurt." Her tone is firm, but grateful. No one truly knew from her face alone whether she was happy, or always stone faced. It was how she wanted it to be.

Beth nods her head in gratitude, "It's our job, but thank you." Watching as the other agent looks toward her partner. Ellis clears her throat, "We'll leave you now." Amelia gave them a nod, before the two quickly walked off together.

Now all alone, back rested against a sleek black car. Emerald eyes watching the scene unfold in front of her. The flashing of red and blue, the sound of continuous chatter: Conversations from all angles. The sky is now fairly dark, street light on the sidewalks thriving in the bask of darkness.Nothing but noise around her, nothing but movement of time. Of people, of objects, or things: Yet she stayed still. Frozen in the will of her mind, unable to escape the continuous questions that filled each nook and cranny. Would she ever escape the roaring of her own thoughts, or would they devour her? The cartel was the least of her worries, and yet it felt as though it placed something greater at her feet. Something, even Amelia was unsure to open.