Second Life - Hear Me Again.

It felt light, nothing too heavy for her to carry. That calmed her nerves only slightly, if it was something dangerous there would be weight to the packaging. So with hesitation in the back of her mind, she steps back and closes the door. Locking it, she brings the package to the living room.

She sits down on the couch, sighing as she places the box on the glass table in front of her. As an agent she was expected to laugh in the face of danger, weakness was not a liberty she could afford. It had been a week, possibly a little bit more since a package was thrown through her window.

Why would the person switch their delivery method, if the first one was successful in giving her a fright? It didn't make sense to her, as this method was too calm. A degree tamer compared to how the eyeball was presented. The images of what could be inside of the book, had her scared. Amelia would never admit the pit in her stomach, of the tensing of her muscles at the mere sight of it. She didn't want to think the worst of a box, but nothing was simple in her life.

Amelia huffs, getting up from her seat and heading for the kitchen. Pulling one of the draws out, she gets a small knife. Sharp enough to cut through the multiple rounds of tapping with ease. As well, if something was alive in the box that would spring out unexpectedly.

Back at the couch she sits once more wasting no time in stabbing the end of the box with the knife. It cuts through with ease, Amelia sliding the knife through to the other side. Now both folds lifted open, she places the knife down next to it. The sight had her hairs standing on end, goosebumps rising on her skin.

It was now or never, so Amelia leans forward to open the lids ever so slowly. Unable to figure out what could be in it before the sight hits her eyes. Something harmless, or something extremely deadly?


It couldn't have been worse than what her thoughts imagined. Eyes widening at the objects in the box: A pair of bloody, severed ears lay bare on a flat surface of newspaper. They looked large, a males ears severed entirely from the head. God knows where they had come from, but the sight alone has Amelia covering her mouth.

Her stomach twisted, she felt like she was going to vomit. Unable to contain the shock and horror of it all, Amelia shrieks. Pushing the box further onto the table, fingers gripping onto her hair. Breathing heavily, unable to look back in the direction of the present. She was sure of it now, this has to do with the mysterious man.

The bloody message on the walls, Ricardo and his payment, the eyeball, and now the severed ears. It all connected to one simple person.

With her sudden scream, she hears the thumping of running footsteps. Her head immediately looked to see Dallas with a worried expression in the doorway of their bedroom. He looked ready to pounce on her, to hold her and be able to protect her. The more the situation escalated, the more of that scared little girl she became again.

"Amelia?!" He shouts, Amelia points to the box.

Tears begin to pour in her eyes, squeezing her eyes shut she shakes her head. Her hands shaking, pointing frantically in the same direction. "He sent me an ear.. T-Two!"

Another innocent person was most likely dead due to her existence, a person targeting her for their own selfish purposes. If she had never existed, nothing like this would happen to innocent lives. It hurt her heart, pulled against her chest to tighten. It was becoming an uphill battle to fight her emotions. Amelia just wanted to save lives, not be the reason they came to a halt.


She can feel the tears streaming down her cheeks, not daring to open her eyes to look back at the horrid sight. Amelia can feel the strong and sudden grip of Dallas' arms around her. Pulling her close into his chest, chin pressed on the top of her head.

He shushes her, rubbing her back in large circles to soothe the held back sniffles and sobs. It had been years since she cried in his arms, her crying was never a pretty sight. Amelia leaned into his embrace, wrapping her arms around his large torso. Rubbing her face into his chest, unable to now hold back the frustration and sadness.

Dallas was the only one who understood her, but didn't all the same. He would never be able to understand the pain and anger of strangers dying due to her entire existence. He dealt with people wishing to kill him as she did, but this was far different. How could she express every little detail of what she was feeling? Was it the time to do so when time could be ticking for another helpless person? Amelia had only her right girl to express her pain, nothing but sobs with hidden words.

Amelia had never hated a psychopath more than whoever was behind this show. Almost using people as their playthings, pawns one a chess board. Knocking down pieces to checkmate the king: Her. Before taking one last fatal blow, knocking down the king for good.

The mysterious man with a beak for a mask held darker intentions, using civilians as scapegoats. The very people she swore to protect when joining the force.

Amelia had failed yet another poor soul.

She feels the movement of his body against hers, before the sound of clicking. Amelia pulls her head up to see a cellphone pressed to his ear. His face was stretched in anger, eyebrows furrowed over his eyes. If he had his stare on her, it could shoot daggers in her direction. His grip on her tight, Amelia leans her head on his shoulder.

"This is Agent Linch. I need a conference with both teams set, as well as one with the press. This needs to be done as soon as possible." Dallas' voice is rough, stern. "A serial killer has been terrorizing the place of Los Angeles for too long. We have to get the public known and involved."

There's some silence before he nods, making verbal hums to the person on the other end of the phone. "I'll meet you soon, thank you." As fast as the conversation started, it had ended. The man pulled the phone from his cheek, now turning his head to look down at her.

The young woman knew that she looked awful, he didn't have to say it with words. His eyes spoke all she needed to know, still crying a waterfall of tears.

He's back to holding her close to his chest, shushing her as he did minutes before. "Shh..Shh Amelia, it'll be alright." Words of comfort leave his lips, but she doesn't feel any sort of comfort from them.

Amelia shakes her head, avoiding his eyes as her cheek lay against his bare chest. " I have never felt so powerless in the last five years.." She sighs, "All I want to do is sob."

Her partner is silent for a moment, Amelia unable to find anything else to say at this moment. Expressing herself in any sort of scenario was not her strong suit, it appeared to make the situation awkward. A lot more awkward than it had been, seeing her cry and sob like a child.

"Then cry my love, please." The circles on her back stop, fingers being moved to run through her long locks of hair. Amelia's eyes widen, moving away to look up at him. Even with her push of space between them, he held her as close as he could. Purple meeting green, an unmatched pair.

Dallas' head tilts to the side, brushing his hand to cup her cheek. Jet black hair covers his hand, her eyes never leave his own. " It is healthy to want to cry your eyes out over something.. Like this." His words came out unsure, she knew he didn't know how to handle this.

"But please know," His hand cups her chin, pulling her gaze back to look at him. Dallas leans closer to her, Amelia being unable to look away. "We will catch the man who is doing this to you. We will get him behind bars."

Eyes widened, she's frozen in place. Dallas was right, he always knew what to say when the situation was dire. Although neither had ever had a situation like this at their feet, he was trying his best to bring her back on her feet again.

Her hands wipe under her eyes, pushing the tears on her cheeks. "T-thank you Dallas..You're right." Amelia's back straightens, she is beginning to gain back the confidence in her lover's arms. "He won't get away." She finishes, Dallas chuckling at her sudden drive.

"Now that's my little agent, do you want me to make you some tea?" Amelia's hands grip onto his back, shaking her head.

She sighs, "I just want you..To stay with me."

Wasting no time he pulls her closer, wrapping his large arms around her head. He felt warm, always when his bare skin was near. Without Dallas, Amelia had no idea what she would do at this moment. Unable to feel comfort, or warmth from a person she loved. Her father was a good man, but Dallas gave her the comfort she needed in more ways than one.

"I'll be here as long as you need me." Dallas whispers to her, kissing the top of her head. The last couple of days were the most he had shown her affection.

"Thank you, I don't know what I would do without you right now.." She sighs, pressing her face back into his bare chest.

"You would have been strong just like you are now, you're a strong woman." His fingers rub against the back of her neck, muscles relaxing at his touch. "This is just a bump in the road, nothing more."

Amelia tilts her head back, "I know you had spoken to someone, what did they tell you?"

"I wanted to get a conference, I wanted the media there. We need to warn the people living in this area about the risks of what is going on. It could save more lives than one." He was so confident in his words, yet his tone was so smooth and light.

Dallas was in charge even when he was out of his element, perfect in almost every way. She wanted to be like him, take on that form to support him when he fell in her shoes.

"A good idea, we want to make sure that the media gets the message we want to relay out." Her fingers push back some of the hair in front of her eyes, "We should get dressed and get to the agency as soon as possible. There's not much time we can waste."

He nods, "That's my little agent, let's get dressed." His hands guide her to help her rise from the seats they sat together. Brushing his warm palms against the fuzzy fabric of the robe she wore.

Even now, he still took care of her. Although he told her how strong she was, the back of her mind had her feeling just as weak. No matter what came her way however, she would always put the lives of the civilians first.

That was what made her the best B.A.U agent in Los Angeles, that's what made her Amelia.