Chapter 1

I've been in this world for five years… and I haven't moved beyond my mountain. I'm not even weak, I have a powerful think known as the IDLE System! Whenever I make a tapping motion I gain +1 Ki. That Ki adds up and eventually I was able to break stones with my bare hands. Of course I recommend against that, broke my hand cause I didn't armor it with KI, took forever for that to heal. But regardless, I've just been turning this mountain into my home since I arrived. I mean, when I got here I was just a average fat guy who lived off welfare. Now I got actual muscles and I built a massive complex for my own survival. I didn't transmigrate or reincarnate, I just… teleported into this world. The Auto-Ki Accumulation was already at level 50, and I had over fifty nine thousand Ki. But that was it. For the next Ki Accumulator upgrade I needed ten million ki, with that you'd think it was two hundred thousand Ki per upgrade, but it freaking accumulates! Still, I get 50 Ki per day and even more if I'm doing that tapping motion. You'd think by this point I'd have something other than KI Accumulation. But nah, I haven't fulfilled the requirements yet.

[Achievement Get: Shut-Inx5] [Description: Hide away from the world for five years.] [Reward: None]

Ah, so it just turned into the fifth year. Anyways, I wasn't completely idle during my time here. I conquered the mountain at least. I mean I killed a snake that was fifty times the size of me by just winging it. That month was painful, got poisoned and barely survived, didn't even get poison resistance for it! Although my KI does act as poison resistance I guess. I was using it to drive out the poison. It's like my system was scared that if they gave me anything I'd never leave. Heh, it would be funny if that was the case. Like the only reason my Ki Accumulators aren't cheap is because I spent so long on this mountain.

… I mean, that couldn't be the case right? It'd be stupid. I mean, who the heck would go out into the unknown until they are the strongest possible they can get. What if this is some sort of fantasy world with a demon king thing. I'd get slaughtered the moment I left the mountain! It's much better to stay here. Regardless of how many giant creatures are here. At least I stand a chance against these things, albeit briefly.

Yeah, surviving hasn't been easy. If it weren't for the system I would have probably died in the first month. What's that sound?

I got up, examining my surroundings, currently I was in the guard tower I built a year ago. I focused my Ki to my eyes, enhancing my vision immensely. Let's see… Found you. Wait a moment… that is a freaking human! They seem injured, now then, interfere? Or no. I'm going to interfere, why? Well, some would say it's a bad idea, to wait and see, but that would mean that I am some conniving person who only looks out for themselves. I have the ability to help, so let's go find out if they need it.

I jump down my tower, it's about three stories high, reinforcing my body with Ki I'm able to do this without damage. As long as I roll when I land, offloading the kinetic energy. Huh, there are some cracks in my tower, I'm going to have to tear it down and rebuild it soon. I'm learning at least.

Back to figuring out where the human is. They were near the … southern area? I'm just going to call it the southern area cause I don't know directions in this world yet. In theory I could figure out the directions based off the sun, but I really don't remember how.

There you are. I jump down to them. They jump, kinda, when I come out of nowhere. Probably jump scared them… and now they are saying something in a language I, wait a second. How the heck do I understand them? They aren't speaking English!

"Identify yourself!"

"Uh," What was my name again? Can't remember, been a while since I used it. "Mountain, yeah, names Mountain."

"What do you want." By this point I can tell it's a lady.

"Aren't you going to introduce yourself before you ask that? I introduced myself, it's proper curtesy at least."

"My names Kim Sun, of the Sun Clan, if you haven't noticed I'm not exactly in the mood for curtesy."

I grimace at her wounds. "Yeah, you need some help? I may not know much about medicine but I can do a better bandage than that."

She hesitates, looking around. "Fine, but you better not try anything."

"K, follow me!"

Then I started to head back up the hill. My gates open, mainly since I'm too lazy to actually close the thing. Requires a stupid amount of energy. But I do have a wounded person here, the blood might attract wild beasts.

"Come on in." I start grabbing the stone slab that is my door.

"Oh and what are you going to do with-" She stops as I pick up a slab five times my size.

"What are you doing? Get inside." She moves in, still not quite getting the how on how I could pick up something several times my size. Or at least that is what I am guessing. It's not like I know what is in her mind.

After placing the slab at the entrance, I head into my hut, this time made out of wood and hide, it's extremely warm. "Sit here, I'll go grab the bandaging materials."

Found something similar to cotton that I've been using to make bandages, personally I use hides, but bandages require something a bit more fine. Took me forever to figure out how to turn cotton into bandages though, lots of experiments. Lot of wasted cotton. Luckily it grows fast when supplied with Ki.

Anyways I grab a bucket of freshly boiled water and bring mix it with my cold water I boiled yesterday, making some warm water. Then I head back inside. She is sitting there… meditating.

"Took you long enough."

"Well, had to grab what I needed. Lay down and relax, I'm going to start by cleaning the wound."

"Cleaning the wound?"

"Yep, need to prevent infection, simply bandaging it more harmful than you'd think."

"I thought you said you didn't know medicine."

"I said I didn't know much, I just know enough to survive." She hisses as I begin to wash out the wounds, I wrench the bloodied water into another bucket. "Sorry about that, I don't have anything to reduce the pain." I clean the wounds the best I can before I grab the bandages. Then I just need to wrap the bandages firmly while supplying Ki and everything should be good. "We might need to change the bandages in a few hours. But it's good for now."

"Your warm. Really… warm."

"Thanks, I work out a lot." Either that or I'd die.

"Do you mind if I stay here a for a while? I'll pay you back in the future."

"No trouble, I haven't had company in a long time regardless. So some interaction would probably be good for me."

She giggled! "Most I know would say that is a good thing."

"Those people are probably just afraid of relationships."

I think I got her smiling now. Hmm. Now that I think about it, she's rather pretty. Huh, if I had the aesthetics from those translated stories I used to read she would probably be considered a goddess. Smooth white skin, no blemishes, and black hair. That's only the face as well. Those breasts have to be at least B Cup, and at most C Cup. Oi! Mountain, stop thinking perversely. Been alone for far too long if I'm starting to only think about freaking breasts. Either that or I'm just a repressed horny dude. Eh, it will be fine. These thoughts should relax after a few days.