Chapter Six

"Good morning, Eleanor! May I help you get ready this morning?"

"Ah, yes you may."

Princess Eleanor started off her morning routine later than expected today, due to yesterday's events.

The maid guided Eleanor downstairs to her dressing room. There she was met with a look at the bottom of the stairs.

"Hello, my love!"

He looks happier than usual today. His face is radiating with so much light. It almost burns my eyes.

"Are you feeling well today?" Ashan asked.

"I have a slight headache for some reason. Are you feeling well?"

"I am feeling vibrant, but I woke up with a headache."

"Your grace, we must head to the dressing room because Margret will reveal your schedule for the day. I hear your schedule will be very busy, and we are behind on the schedule because you slept in."

"Oh, I shall head over in a second." Eleanor stepped close to Ashan, "I must get going. Would you be able to meet me once I'm done getting ready?"

"Yes, where can I meet you?"

"Let's meet by the wisteria tree near the square's waterfall!"

Eleanor walked past Ashan and turned left to her dressing chamber. Ashan began to think once she left to get ready for the day.

The wisteria tree near the square's waterfall...hmmm...what should I do while I wait? I haven't written in my diary for a while now. It would be pleasant to drink tea while I journal in nature.

The prince began to walk towards the guest room hall and turn into his room. There he found a maid to request a few things.

"Hello, may I ask something of you?"

"Yes, your grace. Anything." She nodded.

"Do you know if the castle contains a spice known as cardamom? It's a spice from the near east."

"I've never heard of the spice, however, I can ask a maid of a higher rank to seek the spice out. I'm sure the castle contains the spice."

The excitement Ashan was feeling became recognizable to anyone who faced him. He began to smile cheek to cheek. "Amazing!!! Please do!"

"I can go request the spice car-cardamom."

"Actually, one more thing...would you be able to create a picnic basket for me and the princess? I would like it to be set up under the wisteria tree by the main square's waterfall."

"Yes, is there any food you'd like to request to be in the basket?"

"If there are any chefs specialized in the near east's food, may the chefs put it into the picnic basket? I really miss the food from Jamilla."

"I will see what I can do. I am dismissing myself, your grace."

The maid walked out of Ashan's room. Once he noticed she was fully gone, he lifted up his mattress slightly and pulled out his diary and pen. He sat at his table located near a window facing the botanical garden. He started to relax and his body started to become less tense as he continued to stare at a forest-like garden. The prince began to write in his journal:


It's me again. For the past few months, I've had constant night terrors that cause me to wake up with a feeling of something closing my throat. Last night I finally stopped having those recurring nightmares. Which was relieving, to say the least. I've been in a great mood because the nightmares finally stopped…I hope for good. The dream was honestly odd. It was me, Eleanor, and Ace in the gardens just doing such random things. Eleanor even kissed me…on the lips. She kissed the duke as well, moments after she kissed me. I wonder what dreams are caused by because I don't think I would ever want to dream of her kissing another man again.

Ace is a very delightful man to converse with. We spoke a lot at the ball I attended yesterday. I feel like I've found a new friend! It was a pleasure dining with him because I never really get to chat casually with people since it would be deemed as disgraceful back in Jamilla. I do hope I can make more friends…because I've felt quite lonely my whole life.

Moving on, there was a surprising event that took place yesterday as well. I've been dwelling on it in the back of my mind. Eleanor and I shared intimate acts. In the beginning, I would say I was embarrassed because I'm not experienced in things of the sort, but that's not the reason I'm dwelling. Eleanor initiated the secret acts within moments of meeting me? Perhaps, it's a test for her harem…but I don't want to ask her why she chose to touch me because she might get annoyed with me. I'm insecure about the fact that she'll forget or leave me to be gone all alone again.

A knock was met at the door. "Your grace, may I enter the room?"

"Yes, you may."

"I have an update regarding the things you have requested. The tea you asked for is brewing and will be brought in shortly. The foods from your land are very limited here, however, the chef is able to make side dishes and bread that are similar in nature. To make up for our lack of variety in the castle that fits your tastes, I have informed the head maids to import foods that even go beyond the near east." The maid bowed, "My deepest apologies for being unable to fulfill your orders."

Ashan looked at the maid deeply, "Thank you for the efforts. I've never been granted such good treatment. I shall put in a good word for you with Her Highness."

The maid bowed once more, "Thank you for the compliment, though I am not deserving of it. I shall get your tea now if you'll excuse me."

"You may go."

✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧

"Your highness?"


"I shall start reading your schedule off for the day. Or shall I read it off another time?"

"You can start now."

"For today's schedule, you will have many tasks, so please do be mentally prepared."

Margaret began to read off the schedule she wrote,

1:00 pm Princess Eleanor will meet Prince Ashan at the Wisteria tree for a chat. (This exchange shouldn't extend an hour)

2:30 pm Princess Eleanor invited Ashan for a stroll through the capital.

5:00 pm Dinner will be taken at a private restaurant in the capital.

7:00 pm Emperor Florian requested to speak with Princess Eleanor

-Princess Eleanor will discuss her proposals for the kingdom

9:00 pm Duke Jelani Ace will be coming to the 4 clover palace.

"Today is rather calmer than expected, Margaret. Add a note for me that says 'decide whether or not you're following through with the harem.'"

"I will add the note, but I have a question. You don't come off as confident as you were before. It wasn't a matter of 'if' it was a matter of 'am' when it came to the harem." She slightly leaned back, placed her hand on her chin, and looked very concentrated. "The idea has changed so quickly is it perhaps because of the beautiful foreign prince you've been spending a lot of time with???" She looked at the princess with an excitedly curious gaze.

"As much as I want to deny your question, I've only spent a few hours with Ashan, I naturally feel very comfortable around him. His presence is very familiar. The harem may not suit me because people may only join for the position of the emperor rather than spending time to get to know me. In this situation, I can remove anyone from the group, but I'm not a mind reader. The men in the harem could be very well changing their personalities to win me over. I know how important my title and future husband's is going to be…but I'd like to fall in love too." Elanor's eyes began to fall into darkness once she spoke the last sentence.

Margaret grabbed the princess' hand and positioned her up to stand. Margaret started placing jewelry on Eleanor, she sighed. "Your highness, you are in a very difficult situation as it stands even without the marriage. You are an intelligent woman who can bear a lot, but I believe that emotionally the harem will be too complex. It's already causing you stress, and you haven't begun looking for suitors." Once Eleanor's earrings were placed, Margaret began to apply makeup. She spoke again, "The prince is the reason why you wanted to officially start the harem because he caught your eye, so you could perhaps only focus only on him and see where it takes you."

Eleanor looked at her dress, hair, and make-up once Margaret finished. She looked at herself with security. She radiated ethereal beauty. She looked to the side where Margaret was standing, "Thank you." She gave a warm hug to Margaret, "I don't know what I'd do without you. You've stood by me my whole life and always provide me with clarity, and you never fail to do so again."

Margaret pushed a tear back from falling, "You don't have to thank me, your grace. Finding love isn't always easy or managing an empire."

Minutes later, a maid notified the foreign prince that the princess was ready. He walked to the front of Eleanor's dressing room to greet her. The princess walked out of the door and Ashan's face lit up like a puppy waiting for its master.

"Eleanor, may I grab your hand?"

"Yes you may," she smiled.

The prince grabbed her hand gently and intertwined his fingers with hers. Instead of meeting her at the tree, he guided her to the picnic. Many thoughts ran through Ashan's head as they were making their way to the picnic.

-Will she like the picnic? I hope she does. Wait…should I ask her about yesterday? No, I shouldn't ruin the mood.-

They were met with the cute picnic laid out under the tree. A platter worthy of being a feast. There were vases of flowers scattered around the area. The colors used in the flowers, blanket, and even drinks were very elaborate to tie in nicely with the pastel tones in the wisteria tree.

-This is so cute!! I've never had a picnic before.-

Eleanor noticed Ashan looked very stiff waiting for her reaction, so she spoke. "Did you set this up yourself?"

"I didn't cook the food." He started to drag his foot back and forth along the grass. "But, I decorated everything here." He looked to the side shyly. "I hope it fits your tastes."

"It looks wonderful! I wish I had something to capture the scenery."

As she complemented Ashan's work, his body instantly became less stiff.