Grandfather's anger

Adam Meng, calmly said "Hello Father…"

The angry response came quickly, interrupting him "Do not father me, you brat. Your mother, rest her soul, spoiled you so much that you do not know right from wrong, and you allow this to happen in your home."

In a weak voice, Chelsea said "Father, we were disciplining her, because she knocked over Sara's homework messing it all up."

Scoffing, Grandfather Meng responded, "You think I am a fool."

With that he moved over and helped Abigail to her feet, kissing her cheek asking, "Are you alright darling."

Abigail seeing the looking on Adam, Chelsea, and Sara, despite hurting, decided lying was the better option "I am fine Grandfather."

Within seconds, he had pulled out a chair, and said "Sit, darling…"

Chelsea not able to stifle all the anger in her voice, said "She is being punished for what she did father…"

Grandfather Meng, turned and stared directly at his daughter-in-law, before saying "I do not give a care what you are doing. It is my granddaughter's birthday..."

Sara smiled and moved over and quickly sat down before Abigail could move, coquettishly responding "I knew grandfather would not forget that today is my birthday."

After closing and reopening his eyes Grandfather Meng pointed to the chair Sara had just vacated, before saying "You sit over there. This seat is for my granddaughter…"

Chelsea quickly said "Father, Sara is our daughter, your granddaughter."

Grandfather Meng, whipped his head around, started at Chelsea saying "Chelsea, I do not give a care that your mother was my late wife's closest friend, and your father is a close business associate. She is the child you raised, wrongly and who should go back to her real parents who want her…"

Adam interrupted and said "NO! Father she is our daughter, this one is someone you dragged home and has no idea how to behave…"

Thumping the table Grandfather Meng snapped "Get this through your head, Abigail is your daughter, my granddaughter. Science does not lie in this case."

Grandfather Meng, reached into his pocket and drew out an envelope, pulling out the invitation inside, tossing it on the table shouting "Now damn well tell me what this is about. You are throwing a party for her birthday," and with that he pointed at Sara. "But what about Abigail, today is her birthday and you are ignoring her. The party is cancelled as I will not allow you to do this in one of company hotel's when you are ignoring your daughter…"

Chelsea stood up from her seat, placed her hands on the table, stared at Grandfather Meng and said "Father, since you brought her here, she has done nothing that disrespect us, hurt her sister, behave poorly at school that we have had to pay huge money to even keep her in education and you want us to waste money on celebrating something for her that she does not deserve. How disrespectful is that to us and your granddaughter, our princess, who knows how to behave, is respected by all her classmates and deny the acknowledgement of a grand day, particularly as people are questioning your actions bringing her here."

Chelsea turned to Sara, who on cue had tears running down her face before saying "Look at her. You have upset her on what should be a special day for her, and you wonder why we are doing what we are doing. She needs to know that she is loved and wanted and will always be a part of this family and to reinforce her position in society as the young miss of the Meng Family, and heiress to Meng Corp…"

Shaking his head, Grandfather Meng looked around, and observed the look on Adam Chelsea and Sara's faces, and realised in that moment that these three would not listen to reason. However, the one thing they liked was money, and he knew how to deal with the three of them. He just had to move the pieces he needed into place as soon as possible to achieve that.

Calmly, he slightly smiled before responding "You want to celebrate that person's birthday, spending my money, using company resources without having to pay, you celebrate my granddaughter's birthday, otherwise nothing will be made available. And be assured I will be there to make sure that you do so."

Grandfather Meng, leant over, kissed Abigail on the cheek, and quietly said "Have a wonderful day, princess, and I will see you tonight at your party."

Before Abigail could respond, Grandfather Meng stood up and walked out of the house without looking at the three people who were the target of his anger. As he slipped into the car and his chauffeur shut the door, he pulled out his mobile phone and dialled a number. As it was answered he calmly said "Daniel, it is Uncle Cole here. Can you meet me in my office in an hour?"