Daniel Wu

Despite sitting calmly in his office, Cole Meng was furious about not only what he observed today as the treatment of his granddaughter, but their plans to totally ignore her birthday and the report he had received about some of the treatment they had been dishing out to her without him realising it.

The way she kept the problems to herself, and her refusal to run to others to complain confirmed everything he had found out about her before the DNA tests confirmed the truth and he arranged for her to come back to the family. She was a well-behaved child, bright but knew when to fight.

The problem for him was that she should not have to fight. She should be pampered and treated with absolute respect, but his blind son and daughter-in-law could only see that the ungrateful child that they had raised was everything that she was not. In some respect, that was expected because they had raised her since she came home from hospital with them, but to disregard their actual daughter was something he did not know how to properly respond to.

A knock on the door, stopped his thoughts, and his secretary opened the door, saying "Chairman Meng, Master Daniel Wu is here."

Somewhat excitedly Cole, smiled and said "Show him in."

As Daniel Wu walked in, Cole moved over to the sofas and motioned for him to sit down. As the door shut, Daniel calmly said "Uncle Cole, what is it I can do for you? I hate to be ungrateful, but I have a busy day with school and working at the company."

Cole shook his head, while saying "Sometimes I wonder about you. You are what now, finishing off your Masters Degree?"

Smiling, as he reached over and poured both himself and Cole a cup of tea, Daniel responded "True. My parents wanted both Sebastian and I to follow our dreams for what we wanted to do. While their deaths left me to fight with my uncles for control of Wu Enterprises, it was a battle that I won, because unlike them, I have the skills."

Cole could not resist shaking his head as he said "Seriously! You are arrogant."

After sipping from the teacup, Daniel said "Determined is more like it, and to deal with the pack of hyenas that are my uncles and cousins I had to be, because they all felt that Wu Enterprises was theirs to control when my father died."

After another sip, Daniel calmly said "But that is not why you asked me here is it? Is it about Sebastian and Sara? You know my opinion on them."

"That they are too young to become engaged, but if that is what they want you will not stop them, because that was what your parents were considering before their death."

Cole paused and looked at Daniel, before saying "No. I know the arrangement your parents approached me with was to engage my granddaughter to you, but there was no way when I thought Sara was my granddaughter that I would allow that to happen, because she would make your life a misery, despite it being good for both companies."

Sitting his teacup down, Daniel said "Uncle Cole, you are hinting at something. Be honest with me."

Tilting his head slightly to the left, Cole said "You looked at everything I handed you regarding my real granddaughter?"

Hesitantly, Daniel responded "Yes." More firmly he added "What is important about that. And can you tell me how you realised that Sara was not your granddaughter?"

Cole closed his eyes, before saying "The latter is easier to answer. Six months ago, a friend who I had not seen for almost eighteen years, came for a visit, and commented that Sara looked nothing like anyone in the family. While I know looks are not everything, it made me question things, and I investigated the hospital where Sara was born, thinking that I would learn nothing. But I found out that there were two female baby Meng's born at the hospital on the same day and time, with identical weights, and blood types."

"That made you question if the two babies had gotten mixed up?"

"Correct. I arranged for someone to get the genetic material to run DNA testing on my son, daughter-in-law and Sara. Those tests showed that Sara was not related to them, so I worked to track down the other female baby Meng, and they obtained genetic material and had DNA tests run, that proved she was my real granddaughter."

"I sense a but here, Uncle Cole."

"True. My son and daughter-in-law only focus on the child that they raised but ignore my granddaughter. I fear for what will happen to her should I die, as I fear for the company should that incompetent son of mine take control."