What is your plan?

Hearing the last bell of the day, Abigail picked up her bag, and carefully placed her notebooks and textbooks in it, before turning to Rebecca and quietly "Are you going to Sara's party?"

Rebecca's eyes opened slightly wider, in a little shock, before she said "Me. As if Sara would ever invite me."

Reaching into the bag pocket, and handing Rebecca an envelope before saying "Please come, I need a friendly face with me…"

Loudly, Sara who had walked into the classroom and sat on the edge of Sebastian's desk said "As if I want trash at my party. Do not even think about coming."

Looking directly at Abigail, Sara added "Who said you could invite anyone to my party. You are being allowed to come, simply because I have no choice. If I had control, you would be where you deserve…"

"Back in some trash place in the countryside, away from decent people," called out Yasmin Bai. "You know Sara, just say the word and we will make that trash's life worse than it already is."

Laughter filled the room, and dropping her head, Abigail quietly walked out of the room, going out of her way to avoid Sara and everyone with her. As she exited the school building, Rebecca, ran up to her, and noticing the couple of tears on Abigail's face asked, "Are you alright?"

Looking at the ground, Abigail quietly said, defeatedly "I am…"

"As if." After a brief pause, Rebecca said "Do you need me to help you get home?"

Abigail lifted her head, weakly smiled and said, "I will be alright."

Nodding, Rebecca said "At least let me walk with you as far as I can so that witch will not make things too difficult."


"No buts. You know during the week I stay here in the dorms, because I cannot constantly handle the drama at home."

Dropping her head, Abigail quietly said "There is no arguing with you."

"You finally have learnt that after the time that we have been sitting together."

Rebecca moved beside Abigail and after nudging her with her shoulder the two of them headed out the school gate, towards the subway station. As they had moved about two hundred meters in silence, three men in black suits stepped in front of them, before one said "Miss Meng, the Chairman wants to talk to you."

With that two of the men separated and Abigail spotted the man moved between them and calmly said "Abigail."

Abigail looked up and her eyes widened before she said "Grandfather," and ran into his opened arms. As they tightened around her Abigail burst out into tears.

Looking at Rebecca, Cole Meng said "Do you know what happened? Why is my granddaughter upset?"

Rebecca said "The usual. One of your granddaughters bullied the other…"

Seeing the dark look pass across his face Rebecca stopped in her tracks.

All that could be heard for a couple of minutes was Abigail's crying, as all Cole could do was rub her back. Eventually, she slightly pulled back and said "Grandfather, Sara told me I could not invite me only friend."

After gently placing his hands on her shoulder, Cole looked Abigail in the eyes and said "You can invite anyone you like. It is your birthday celebration, and after this morning she should know the consequences if you are not allowed to celebrate."

Abigail turned and said, "Will you come?" to Rebecca.

She paused before turning back to Cole and saying "Grandfather, I do not have a dress for tonight, and could we get a dress for Rebecca."

After leaning over and kissing Abigail's forehead, Cole calmly said "If Miss Mo is happy to go with one of my bodyguards, they can take her to a shop and buy her a dress before taking her to the hotel where she can change…"

Cole paused and saw a nod from Rebecca, before saying "I need you to come with me for an hour of so, but I have a dress already organised for you and it is at the hotel already."

Abigail reached up hugged Cole, before saying "Thank you grandfather," before quickly running and getting into Cole's car through the open door.

As soon as Abigail was in the car, Rebecca turned and said "Chairman Meng, Sara has hurt her a lot at school, and today cut deep. It seemed to make her feel as if she is unworthy. I know what it is to have family do that…"

Rebecca stopped, and noticed the look on Cole's face, before adding "You have a plan? What is it? Will it hurt Abigail, because if you hurt my friend, I do not care about your position in the community and the fact that I am insignificant, I will make it know what you did to her and allowed to happen to her."

Cole, responded "Miss Mo, please stop worrying. As I told you the first time that I met you, I will do everything that I can to protect my granddaughter from not only her parents but that girl that the spoil, ignoring the previous gem that Abigail is. All that you need to do for her is be her friend. You can do the one thing I cannot for her. Be there and be in her corner. She will never appreciate what you can do for her."

With that Cole nodded at his guards, with one saying to her, as he climber into the car, "Miss Mo, please come with me, and I will help you spent a little of the Chairman's money."