You want me to marry him?

Forty-five minutes later, Abigail came walking out of the hairdressers, with hair styled, light makeup and most importantly for her grandfather the dress he asked her to put on. As she slipped the dress on Abigail was pleasantly surprised to find a dress that fitted her perfectly, and looking at it on in the mirror, she was surprised how much the dress flattered her.

The guard who had accompanied her inside, handed her the jewellery boxes, before opened the door and saying, "Young Miss," while he still juggled the box him his hand.

Carefully Abigail slipped into the car and noticed her grandfather's assistant sitting in the back seat and heard him say "It that is all Chairman Meng."

Cole nodded saying "Thank you for bringing that over to me. As it is my granddaughter's birthday you can take the rest of the day off."

Abigail watched as her grandfather's assistant slipped out the other door, and as he closed it behind him, she said "Grandfather you cannot help yourself."

Cole laughed and said "Abigail, business never stops, but this was more important than business, it was personal, and I need it now."

Abigail noticed that her grandfather had become more serious, and she asked, "What is it grandfather?"

Cole slightly tilted his head and calmly said "I have not been totally honest with you. And your father, mother, Sara, and the rest of the extended family do not know about this. Can you promise me that you will not say anything until I let you?"

"When have I let you down grandfather?"

"Other than ignoring my advice not to give into your parents and Sara…"

"But grandfather…"

"I know, sweetheart, we have talked about this. When you came home, it was the one time that I gave into your parents, and if I am honest, it was also for Sara because until I learnt the truth, I always believed she was my granddaughter and I still have feelings for her because of that. I stupidly agreed to allow them partially tell the truth, portraying the world that Sara was still their daughter, and you were simply, because of the coincidences of your births they had wanted to give you an opportunity that you would otherwise not have had."

After a sigh, Cole added "Within days I was regretting my decision. Your mother, father and Sara thought that my agreement would allow them to treat you as they liked, in effect reducing you to their household slave and only for appearances sake letting you attend school. The staff, other than Butler Du, your mother, father, and Sara's personal maids who view that your parents and Sara can do no wrong, reported to me what was happening. They know in the end; I am the person who is ultimately responsible not only for their employment but to ensure that they receive everything they are entitled to. They made the decision I had to be told and do everything that they can to assist you without creating problems for you in the household."

"Despite wanting to contradict them and tell the truth and bring you to live with me, I had given them my word, that I would say nothing. I know the idea of following your word does not mean much to most people, I stand by my word, so have had to bide my time. As you and Sara are eighteen, to me all bets are off because both of you are legally old enough to be responsible for yourselves."

"Grandfather, I do not understand why you did not take me from there. I have been miserable. You do not know how many times I have wished that I was out of there."

Cole picked Abigail's hand, squeezed it, and said "Thing will change as of today. That I can promise you. But it will take you to promise me something and take a leap of faith, like I took the day that I married your grandmother."

Confused, Abigail asked "What are you meaning Grandfather?"

Cole tilted his head slightly to the left before saying "Do you remember meeting Daniel Wu?"

Still confused, Abigail hesitantly said "Sebastian Wu's brother?"

"Yes, that is who I am meaning. He is the only other person who knows about this. Despite his age, I trust him implicitly. I do not want you to worry, and he has agreed, subject to your agreement, to what I asked him to do."

"Stop confusing me grandfather. Please tell me what you are wanting and stop dragging things out."

Cole laughed and said, "You sound and look just like your grandmother when you say that." Cole briefly closed his eyes and added "There are some things that I need you to sign, but I have asked the one person I trust to make sure that you are protected and brought to the place that is rightly yours. It is that leap of faith I asked you to take."

"Stop going in circles grandfather and tell me what you want."

Cole slightly shook his head, and calmly said "I want you to marry Daniel Wu."

Shocked Abigail spat out "You want me to marry him?"