Let me talk to him first

After chatting to her grandmother for another couple of minutes, Abigail ended the call and turned to Cole, saying "Grandfather, no promises, but I want to speak to him before I agree to anything."

Cole nodded, and said "Thank you Abigail, but before we meet, I have a number of documents I need you to sign. When Daniel agreed to my request, he insisted that there had to be, not only a pre-nuptial agreement, so that if you end up separating you get to keep everything that I give you, but also the agreement about him taking over management of the business when something happens to me, and a few other things."

Seeing the stack of folders, he was picking up, Abigail blanched before saying "I need to read all those, grandfather…"

Cole shook his head and said "Not really. I figured you would say that, so after my lawyers drafted the documents, they sent them to a separate firm, who was to review them for you. The top folder is their letter of advice to you."

Abigail nodded, and opened the folder he mentioned, and started to read the enclosed letter. It was so frustrating having to pretend that she was as dumb as she was, but Grandmother had been right in it risked, not only people finding out about her intelligence, but the company that Grandmother helped her established which formally became hers today under the trust deed. While it was nothing like the Meng Group or Wu Enterprises, it was hers and was slowly gaining market share in the toy industry, and she constantly felt pride at what was being achieved.

To prevent her grandfather seeing how quickly she was reading the letter, she lifted the folder up in front of her face. As she noticed the letterhead, she felt reassured, as it was the same legal firm, she and her grandmother used six years ago to create the company and trust, and who manager the financial and legal matters for her.

As she quickly got through the letter, she determines that their legal advice was as sound as ever and reinforced the point that her company would be protected from anyone with this. At the end there was a reminder that now she turned eighteen, she needed to come in and make a Will to protect her assets. While the wording was vague it was obvious to her what they were hinting at.

After waiting a few minutes, to make out that she had taken time, Abigail, moved the folder from her face, and said "Grandfather, they are saying that I am protected…"

"I sense a but there Abigail…"

"Grandfather I thought butts were for sitting on."

Cole burst out laughing, before saying "You got me there. You still are concerned?"

"I am not sure. They tell me it is alright to sign, and your lawyers say the same?"

"They do. One thing I want to ensure Abigail is that no one gets anything that should be yours."

"Are you really sure, grandfather it does that?"

"Yes Abigail, I am. But do not feel pressured to sign anything if you do not want to."

Abigail calmly said "If, after I talk to him and I agree, I will sign them."

Cole nodded and looked up noticing the vehicle was slowing down. As it came to a stop, his bodyguards quickly came and opened the door., firstly helping Abigail out, followed by him. As he stood up Cole noticed Daniel walking purposefully towards them.

Cole quietly said to Abigail "Go and talk to him. Just remember it is your choice what happens, no one else's."

Abigail looked down slightly before saying "Yes Grandfather."

As she finished speaking, Cole gave her a slight push towards Daniel, and she took the hint and walked towards Daniel.

Seeing Abigail, walk towards him, Daniel stopped himself from gasping in shock at the beauty coming his way. Yes, he had seen her before, and at times interacted with her but there was nothing about Abigail that had grabbed his attention. When Uncle Cole had proposed this, this morning, he was hesitant about tying himself into a marriage with a woman who wanted to hide away.

Having seen this Abigail Meng, Daniel knew that Uncle Cole's words to him were prophetic. The most amazing things could hide in right in front of you. You simply needed to have your eyes opened.

The closer Abigail came to him, the other thing Daniel realised that she was so like the photographs he has seen of Uncle Cole and his late wife, not only in his office but at his home. If he did not know better, he would have said she had come back to life.

As Abigail stopped in front of him, Daniel quietly said "Hello Abigail. You grandfather has explained what he has proposed to you?"