
After calling a rideshare, Abigail directed the driver to take her to MayTag's head office, calling her assistant Samantha Zhu to meet her at the front door, when she arrived in five minutes.

As she stepped out of the rideshare, she heard Samantha say "Miss Meng, it is a pleasure. If you will come with me, please."

Abigail restrained herself from laughing at the serious look on Samantha's face, but rather than reacting she nodded and simply followed her until they went upstairs to Abigail's office. As Samantha shut the door behind them Abigail simply flopped on the sofa saying "I want …"

"A drink. Boss do you think that I am stupid? As soon as you called, I not only organised for your favourite fruit juice, which is simply beside you, and a pot of tea for the two of us," interrupted Samantha laughing.

"Sam, sweet Sam, you are a treasure. I seriously do not know where my grandmother found you," responded Abigail, reaching over, and picking up the juice.

That simple movement had the light catch the diamond on the ring that Daniel had slipped in her finger, and Samantha gasped in shock before saying "What is going on Boss?"

Abigail smiled, and said "Nothing gets past you, which is good."

"That does still not tell me what is happening."

Abigail closed her eyes, and as she re-opened them, Samantha observed the determined young woman that was on the top of her game in running MagTag appear before her. "Sometimes you are too nosy for your own good."

Hearing the snarl in her voice, Samantha simply sat there quietly watching Abigail take a drink from the juice, before she said, "You have the material I asked for the other day?"

Nodding Samantha stood up, moved over to the desk, and picked up three folders that she had placed there earlier in the day. As she said back down and handed over them over, she calmly responded "Boss, the investigators have gotten back to me. You were right on your suspicions as to your birth family. Your grandfather has cancer, and the last estimate of the time that he has left to live is six to twelve months. No one wants your biological father to inherit the Meng Group because everyone knows he will destroy it. Before he came looking for you, he had you investigated, but never penetrated the smokescreen that your grandmother established. He knows nothing about your involvement in the company. What the investigators also determined is that your biological parents are aware of the cancer diagnosis and have been leveraging what they view is a guaranteed inheritance outcome to rack up debts believing that they soon can pay it off."


"As per your instructions we have purchased as much of the debt that we can through a shell company. At last count they owe the shell company twenty million, and apparently are attempting to raise more money."

"Offer it, I want them cornered when my grandfather dies. Despite his lack of honesty with me when he came searching for me, he genuinely cares for me and I cannot see his life's work be thrown away by three greedy individuals who have no care for anyone but themselves."

Nodding Samantha said "Got it. Boss, one of the debts has an interest payment overdue, Do you want it chased…"

Smiling, Abigail said "Absolutely. And the perfect time to have the noticed served is tonight. They want to use this party for their so-called princess to embarrass me, I am quite happy to repay the favour."

Samantha calmly said "The top two folders, have the investigators reports for you to read. The other one is the report about the quality control issues on the new toy range. The Manufacturing manager created a company, that he figured he could use to defraud us. We caught it early so, the results of the damage and the police report are there for you to review."

Abigail opened one folder after another and quickly read the material in them, before turning and saying "I need two further things investigated. My so-called parents both have outside lovers. Find them and give them the encouragement to force their way into their public life. I want their hypocrisy shown to the world, which I hope will destroy that lovely little picture Sara has. She, though can wait for me to deal with her. But we need to finalise some things as I have to get to that party tonight."

After discussing business matters for a few minutes, Abigail paused and looked at her rings, before saying "I also need someone else investigated. Daniel Wu."

"That hunk. Why boss?"

"Eyes off him Sam, he is a married man."

Samantha's eyes opened wide, before she stated "That is the first I heard that boss? Are you thinking of approaching him for a business deal?"

Abigail shook her head, and said "No. I just want to know what his reasons are for agreeing to my grandfather's arrangement and marrying me just before."