What just happened?

Running inside, Abigail was shocked. Daniel had just kissed her, without any prompting. It was light, gentle, and some would say sweet, and it felt in that moment as if butterflies were settling in her stomach. What did that mean? Why had that just happened?

Their marriage was simply meant to be a means to an end. It would satisfy her grandfather's need to protect her, if he could not recover from his cancer, even though she did not need it, in reality.

The other thing it would achieve, is her ability to follow through with the promise she made her grandmother when she was convinced to come here. To respect and honour her biological parents, regardless of what they did to her. The more time had gone on, since she agreed to come back with her grandfather the harder keeping that promise was. The only way, to date she had been able to achieve it was being meek and mild in front of everyone, hiding her true self, academically and in the business world.

Throwing off her shield would please Sam. Sam could publicly step back to her true role, as the CEO's assistant, rather than having to play the CEO. But did she want to step in so early, without the chance to go to university? Without the chance to experience the world?

Abigail sighed slightly before thinking that that would be something she would have to discuss with Sam.

But there was something else that she was going to have Sam do. That b*tch Sara would deserve this, which is leaking some of the information she had gathered about Sara's actions. While she wanted so much to expose the truth about Sara, doing so would hurt her grandfather, who cared for her, because he had for seventeen and a half years believed Sara was his granddaughter.

Without thinking, Abigail reached into her clutch and pulled out her mobile before sending Sam a brief text about releasing some of the information she had uncovered but reminding her to be very selective and careful to ensure that nothing could be traced to them. While she knew Sam was, it did not hurt to remind her, because over the last couple of years she had learnt that Sam was very protective of her. Sara, that b*tch deserved being humiliated a little, not only because of her little stunt earlier, but the treatment that she had directed to her for months.

Before she could place her phone back in her bag, it vibrated, and Abigail opened the text message 'Boss do you think I am stupid. I know you want your grandfather protected and I will do so. And before you remind me, I know how to cover my tracks. Just wait about twenty minutes and it will be all over social media. Now, go and enjoy what is left of your birthday.'

Abigail smiled and slipped her phone back into her clutch. As she looked up, she noticed Rebecca coming towards her. As she reached her, Rebecca said "Something is wrong. What is it?"

Abigail shook her head as she said "There is nothing wrong. I just needed a few minutes away from everything. But I ran into Sebastian's brother, and it made me feel slightly uncomfortable."

Rebecca calmly said, "It is because of what he did?"

"I think so," came Abigail's hesitant. "I guessed that, despite anything else, because he is close to my grandfather, he would at least help me out for his sake. I was right in that, but it still does not sit right for me."

Rebecca, moved over, linked arms with Abigail and said, "At least he helped out, because you know I would not want Sara to have the satisfaction of ruining your birthday."

Rebecca paused before adding "The longer we are out here, the more likely it is that she will stop you from returning. But…"

Abigail turned looked directly at before asking "Something is not, right?"

Rebecca slightly tilted her head to the right and said "You know me well. I got a message just before Sara entered the room, telling me I have a command performance to be at home first thing tomorrow morning. That is the last place that I want to be, but my grandfather is visiting them, and he wants to see me. I know I promised you that I would stay in the room with you tonight but…"

"You have no need to apologise. Grandfathers…"

Rebecca and Abigail sighed together before laughing. Abigail pulled herself together first and said "We would not be without them, despite what we think at times."

"True. So let us go and keep your grandfather happy, so I can go and keep mine happy tomorrow. But promise me…"

"I will protect myself from Sara. I will do that because I do not want to give her the satisfaction."

Without another word, Abigail and Rebecca headed back into the party and watched Sara's look change as she spotted them.