You Know Somthing

Daniel sat, looking at Abigail who had finally drifted off to sleep, with her foot strapped, having been given pain killers and a sleeping tablet by the doctor. He was almost certain that the had s severe sprained ankle but wanted an x-ray of her ankle in the morning to be certain, before it was determined is Abigail needed simple strapping, an ankle brace, a moon boot or a cast.

Abigail could not help but to tear up at the thought that she had fractured or broken a bone in her foot before she started becoming distressed. Daniel in that moment felt hopeless and could only gather Abigail into his arms comforting her, until the doctor asked to speak to Abigail and then him alone.

The questions that the doctor asked him chilled him through, because the doctor believed that he had physically abused Abigail. While he knew that there were men out there that abused women, that was not him. It was only when he was assured that her fall happened in front of hundreds of people at a function in the hotel complex that he was reassured.

As he looked at his sleeping wife, Daniel wondered what he should do. Should he force her hand, because if Sara was so brazen, firstly to attempt to trip her, and then when she accidently stood on her foot to push her off the stage without a care that she could be seriously injured, what would start to happen behind closed doors, given Sara had an awareness that Cole was going to leave her with little?

In that moment Abigail slightly moved in the bed, and he heard her groan in pain. That felt as it if was cutting right through him. Why, was that happening? This marriage was simply an arrangement to help Uncle Cole. Feelings were not part of the deal, and honestly while he would be committed to it, because he freely made the choice to marry Abigail, he could not see into her heart or mind as to what she wanted. He just hoped that she did not do this out of gratefulness to her grandfather from having rescued her from the family which raised her, and his willingness to help her grandfather ensure that she was protected once he died from cancer.

Moving, Daniel leant over Abigail, and gently dropped a kiss on her forehead, and pulled back looking at her face. As he glanced at her lips, the desire to kiss them, started to come over him, and he straightened up and quickly headed out of the bedroom, turning the lights down, and partially shutting the door.

As he walked back into the suites living room, he had to shake his head, because he could not believe what he almost did. How could he even think about doing that while she was sleeping. It would be a betrayal of the trust that she had reluctantly given him and more likely if she ever knew it would spell the end of any potential for the development of a relationship. As soon as they could, under the terms of their agreement, she would file for divorce.

With the thought of divorce, Daniel had a sinking feeling, as if things would be horrible if that happened. That puzzled him, because he felt confused with how he felt about things.

After heading to the in-suite bar and pouring himself a whiskey over ice., and walked to sit on the sofa, trying to figure out what he was feeling. However, before he was able to sit down, the doorbell rang, and he quickly went to answer, forgetting to check who was outside the door. As he opened the door, Sebastian pushed his way in and yelled "What the f*ck Daniel. How dare you lock me out."

Daniel, angrily but in a loud whisper spat out "Keep your damn voice down…"

"Why should I. You kept me out of the suite…"

Daniel, worried about waking Abigail, moved over and shut the bedroom door, before returning back to face Sebastian, and saying "I arranged a suite for you alone, and you come here and want to make a scene…"

"Making a scene, you are my brother, and why do we need separate suites when this is a two-bedroom suite."

"Sebastian," came Daniel in a firm but quite voice, "I told you to keep your voice down."

Sebastian tilted his head and slightly screwed his face, somewhat puzzled before saying "You have someone here? Who is it?" With that Sebastian jumped up from the chair he had sat on before heading towards the main bedroom of the suite.

Daniel just reached the door just before Sebastian did, before saying "Do not go in there. The doctor I called to treat Abigail, after Sara's stunt, has only recently left after treating her. She has only just fallen asleep because she is in a lot of pain. You really think she wants to see you when she wakes."

"Screw that, she embarrassed Sara, toss her out."

Pushing Sebastian away, Daniel said "No way. Uncle Cole would kill me for hurting his granddaughter…"

Sharply, Sebastian interrupted Daniel saying, "You know something, what is it?"