Abigail, your choice (7)

Abigail turned and looked at Daniel before saying "I will tell my grandfather…"

"Abigail, please calm down.  At least let me speak first and if there is anything you need to add, feel free to."

"What ever happened to the idea of ladies first?"

"In this case, I want your grandfather to take any anger out on me, rather than anyone else.  I can deal with it, and you do not deserve to have it, even if he does not mean it, directed at you."

"Seriously?  I can talk to my grandfather myself."

"Your grandfather?  Isn't he now our grandfather?"

Cole, watching the interaction between Daniel and Abigail said, "What is going on?"

Daniel turned, and quickly said "Just give us a minute, Uncle Cole, and we will tell you."

Abigail, reached up and slapped Daniel's cheek before saying "How dare…"