Text a Friend (2)

Daniel paused.  Who was she about to message?  Was Uncle Cole right about some connection between herself, her adoptive grandmother and Samantha Zhu?  Could it be Samantha Zhu who she was asking for help from?  Why did that idea fill him with disappointment in that she could not trust him to help her.

As he placed the mobile phone back in her hand Daniel calmly said "I want to help you.  Can you let me do that?"

Abigail, seeing the sincerity in his eyes nodded and said "You have already done that for me.  You made sure I was not injured last night.  You got me the medical treatment I needed, and importantly when you realised it was not safe for me to keep living with my so-called biological parents, you not only kept me safe, but you also ensured that everything that was mine in the house was gathered.  But understand this, I still need to make my own decisions, and I just need the time to do that.  What comes of that choice, will be."