
Abigail, on hanging up from speaking to Rebecca, answered Daniel's call, and saying, "Why are you ringing me?"

"Sorry, but I needed to talk to you."

"Who wants to talk to you so you so early in the day."

"You, my wife…"

Angrily Abigail snapped "What did I tell you..."

"Stop pressuring you."

"Absolutely now tell me what you want, because I have to get ready as a friend has asked me to go and see her."

Daniel laughed before saying "Potentially what you are talking about is why I am ringing.  Is your friend Rebecca Mo?"


"Did I know?  I am friends with her brother, and he messaged me about twenty minutes ago about doing a favour for him. When I spoke to him, I was able to figure out easily that he was walking about you.  I could have easily said something, but I opted to keep quiet.  He is meant to message me as to where you are staying for me to collect you."