
Rebecca looked at Justin as the door opened, and surprisingly in preach of all protocol he quickly stepped out and turned reaching into the car offering her his hand to help her out of the car.  As she moved to open door, she took Justin's proffered hand, and carefully climbed out of the car, as Justin firmly said, "Get Her Highness' bag."

Rebecca, did not hear the response as she stepped out of the car and heard someone yell "What is that piece of trash doing there."

Noticing Justin's reaction, Rebecca calmly, but quietly said "Do not worry about it…"

"Becca!" came Justin's quiet and firm response.

Hearing the tone of her brother's voice Rebecca dropped her eyes and quickly said "Yes Sir," before pulling her hand our of Justin's grip, and looking around.  At that moment she noticed her main tormentors over the last eighteen months Sara, Sebastian, Yasmin and the rest of their group, although strangely Sara was standing slightly away from everyone else.