
As she walked into the room Rebecca, took in the shocked look on the face of everyone, before noticing a smiling Abigail, sitting in her normal seat beside her seat.  She noticed Sara elbow Sebastian before standing up and saying through gritted teeth "Your Highness, come and sit beside me…"

Rebecca laughed before saying "Sit beside you?  You thought I was trash until a few seconds ago, and treated me that way, and now you think I will simply forget about your treatment of me and give you the prestige that you want.  You are kidding yourself.  And even if that was not an issue, I know why you want me beside you.  You want to use me to deal with the rumours and scandal, that despite the material that is coming about you and the director being drugged, that you are mired in.  There is no way that I would do something like that which would impact my brother and his crown."