Plans (1)

Abigail, carefully sat down on the bed, putting her leg on a pillow to elevate it and placing her mobile on the bedside table.  As she leant back against the pillows, despite the pain that she was feeling in her body from hitting the ground, she felt relief. 

At that moment her mobile rang, and she reached over and picked it up, answering without thinking about it.

"What happened?" came Daniel's angry and aggrieved voice over the phone.

"What do you mean?  Nothing happened."

"Not what I heard Abigail.  I was informed after school you were pushed down from behind, fell, and then had Sara create a scene."

Abigail, laughed and said "A scene?  I do not know what you mean."

"Seriously Abigail, you think I am stupid."

"No, according to my grandfather you are quite smart."

"Now who is being sarcastic?"
