Plans (4)

Abigail sighed as Daniel finally left the room after being reassured by the doctor that she was not further injured, calling her grandfather to confirm this.

As she heard the door of the suite shut, Abigail picked up her mobile and sent Sam a message [I need your help?]

[Boss, do you not know that I am not on call all day every day.]

[I know, and your boyfriend will kill me.  But remember my promise about a trip he will love.  We can always add something more to that to make things better.]

[Boss bribery when it comes to a motorsport trip like you are giving him likely will go very far.  He could not believe everything that you told me to arrange.]

[Flattery will get you more Sam.  It should be within your powers to organise a visit to one of the team pits, or even try and score a hospitality package.]

[Boss!  You are going all out.]


[What is it you want for that?]