You will always be my friend

As they sat quietly in the classroom, waiting for their final briefing from the homeroom teacher before the City-Wide examinations that commenced on Monday, Abigail turned to Rebecca smiled and said, "How are you going?"

"Other than the stress because of the situation, fine.  I just wish Miss Yu would stop chasing you out of English and pushing Sara on me.  I am ready to scream because she never stops telling me about you being trash and explaining to me as royalty, I should be associating with the right type of people which is not you."

Abigail smiled but before she could respond Rebecca added "The problem is Sara has no concept that she is a problem.  She thinks too highly of herself, and it has gotten on my nerves."

Abigail smiled, and as she lifted her head up slightly noticed the door opening and Miss Yu walking into the classroom.  Abigail dropped her head and shrunk down in her seat trying to avoid another confrontation with Miss Yu today.