Dinner with Grandfather (4)

Cole paused and looked directly at Abigail, with a calming smile on his face, he said "As do I Abigail.  But I also need you to be prepared for what will happen when I do die, which being honest will be sooner rather than later.  I have good staff in place, while I am alive that can continue to run the company and keep your father in check.  It is the fight that will happen when I die.  My lawyers will step in and appoint an interim CEO, not your father.  However, once he knows the terms of my will, that is the fight that I know you need Daniel by your side for.  He will do everything to attempt to overturn my wishes to secure the company and what he sees as his.  While I love your father, he is not a competent businessperson and giving him the company will see it destroyed.  The company is your grandmother's legacy, and the last thing I can do for her in this life is "

Abigail could not help herself but start to cry, and say "Grandfather…"