Overnight (8)

** Contains material unsuitable for those under 18**

With that the Director moved over and sat beside Joanne, before saying "Tell me how you feel uncomfortable or hot?"

Joanne, twisted her body slightly before groaning out "I just feel hot, like I need something."

"Need something?  Are you sure on that I can get water for you."

Squirming, Joanne reached over and touched his face, before saying "That feels a little better.  I needed to touch someone."

"Touch someone?"

Joanne, dropped the hand that she had placed on his face and using both hands quickly pulled his shirt from his pants before slipping both hands under it, and sighing "That feels better."

Smiling, the director said, "Would you like me to take off that shirt for you?"

Joanne slightly twisted her head to the right and down while continuing to look at him in the eyes before saying "That sounds nice, but…"