** Contains material unsuitable for those under 18**
Joanne paused for a couple of seconds before responding, "Absolutely, what we have done is only part of what I need. I need more, I feel so hot and uncomfortable when we are not doing anything."
"You will absolutely drain me…"
"Well, isn't that what a good girlfriend does for her boyfriend, drain him so he never looks at another woman…"
"True, but there are limits…"
"I do not want to hear about your limits, not tonight. I need f*cking for the whole night."
Tilting his head slightly, the director said, "I have an idea, but I do not know if you will be comfortable with it…?"
"If it means that you are f*cking me, then I do not give a care, I will do anything because I need to have the relief, I know your f*cking gives me."