I am here to help (3)

Daniel quickly turned his mobile to silent aware what he had asked to be done would happen before quickly heading towards the room where Abigail's adoptive grandmother would be. As he reached the door, he heard a strange female voice snap "You ungrateful child. We raised you, gave you everything we had, and this is what you do. You drag my mother-in-law to a strange place, dump her in a hospital and attempt to prevent her real family from seeing her."

"Mother" came Abigail's weak voice through the slightly ajar room.

"Do not mother me. You are not my child. Now get out of the way, as we are taking my mother-in-law home. This hospital will compensate us for all the money wasted on treatment that her family never authorised. And you, you ungrateful brat will compensate us for every cent we spent on raising you, the expenses we have had to incur simply to come and see her, and then to compensate us for all the harm you have caused us."