Striking Back (4)

As she sat some revision notes down Sara, jumped as she heard her mobile indicate she had a message.  Sebastian looked directly at her before saying "Are you alright?"

"It just startled me, because I thought I had turned the phone to silent so we could study.  I must beat Abigail in the exams otherwise I will be humiliated."

Sebastian moved over, kissed her forehead, and said "Who cares.  You are my wife, the young Madam of the Wu Corporation.  No one would dismiss you."

Sara smiled and said "Thank you.  But I need to beat her as otherwise I will be humiliated, and grandfather will keep giving her things that should be mine.  Even yesterday when I asked him for the replica of grandmother's wedding dress to wear when we registered our marriage, you know his response?"

Sebastian shook his head before saying "No."