Another Patriarch (2)

Silence filled the room until Stephen said "You want something.  And it better not be to get at my father."

Quietly, Chairman Na said "No.  As I told my son I have learnt from my mistakes.  While he believes I have a good relationship with his siblings, in the end my actions have driven them from me as much as they did him.  The only difference is they have never been strong enough to leave or tell me the truth to my face.  I only realised it after I saw Harry when my wife died.  All my children kept to themselves, rather than us grieving as a family.  And that made me realise that things have to change, including letting go of old grudges.  But young man your father I do not believe will learn that message, if what he is doing out there is anything to go by."

Shrugging his shoulders Stephen said "So?"