Accepting Punishment

Yasmin opened her mobile and saw there were twenty messages from Sara.  Lifting her head Yasmin sighed and realised that she needed to deal with Sara today rather than dealing with her at school tomorrow.

With that Yasmin dialled Sara, who answered in three rings.  "How dare you ignore me."

"Sara I was not ignoring you.  I am in trouble…"

"Who cares.  You ruined our celebration…"

"And I will be paying for what I did for years to come, but seriously I did not ruin your party…"

"We were chased out from the venue…"


"You assaulted someone and that invoked a clause in the hire agreement that forced us out."

"I am sorry…"

"Sorry does not cut it.  How dare you ruin things for me."

Yasmin took a deep breath before saying "I messed up, and I am sorry for that…"

"So, you should be.  You better make it up to me, and next time you deal with that b*tch you better not get caught."