Funeral (4)

Calmly Abigail paused for a few seconds and said, "I will do my best, but I cannot promise that I will not screw up and let slip to Rebecca what the truth is."

"That is all you can do."

With that Daniel pulled his car to a stop, and after the security guards checked his identification, he drove in, and pulled up to the side, before quickly getting out and helping Abigail out of the car, before getting both their cases from the boot.  Abigail, as quickly as she could made her way to the door where Rebecca was standing, dressed in a black dress.

"Thank goodness you are here.  I need a friendly face."

A high pitch voice said "Rebecca, get here.  I need you."

Rebecca turned and said "Mother.  You are quite capable of dealing with things yourself or with the help of all the staff you have around you."

"You ungrateful child.  I am your mother."