Stay Here Please

"Rafiz.... "Cherrly growled.

Cherrly was forced to look for a change of clothes. Her clothes were full of Rafiz vomit. While looking for a change of clothes in Rafiz's room, she found a pink jacket with a bunny picture in Rafiz's wardrobe.

Funny jacket, Rafiz is cute, she thinks.

Suddenly Cherrly's cellphone rings,

"Yes ma'am,"Cherrly said "Cherrly at a friend's house, just had a direct meeting at a friend's house. Cherrly apologizes for not informing Mama" She lied.

"Don't you make Mom worry like this. I don't like it. You're picked up by Bayu, aren't you? Mom calling her now?"

"Cherrly will be home soon, you don't have to pick up Bayu. Cherrly can go home alone"

"Are you sure? "

"It's ok Ma. Cherlly can take care of herself"

As soon as Cherrly hung up the phone, Rafiz hugged her from behind.

"Don't go home"

"Hei you're awake, still dizzy? " Rafiz just shook his head

"Shall I make some tea?"

Rafiz just shook his head

"So, What do you want?"

"I want you here. Don't come home" he asked

"Ridiculous, you made me not come home yesterday. How come I'm not coming home again?" Reject Cherlly.

"Stay here, please"

Cherrly looked at the old rafiz, her sweet Brondong, began to get restless. As if she won't come back...

"Ok, but tomorrow I'm going home. Because I have the morning shift. You don't have to take me to work, I'll be picked up by Bayu tomorrow morning"

"Who's baby?"

"The neighbor I think of as my brother and my ex boyfriend. He's Mama's confidant. If you want me to stay. Yes, that's the condition, how?"

Rafiz frowned, he was confused.

"Why? I'll just go to the store tomorrow with you"

"Fiz, I don't want Mama to be suspicious. The child is hanging out with the boy"

"But I'm fine with you. Mama didn't know you already had me."

"You make me lazy with your minds"

Rafiz took a deep breath,

"Let's just eat, auntie is already cooking" Cherlly tried to divert the conversation.

Rafiz remained silent,

"Are you mad? I'll definitely introduce you to my Mama officially, but not now .... I and Bayu are just friends. You believe me?"



They ate in silence.

I don't know what the two lovebirds were thinking, Cheryl was feeling tired. She hasn't rested all day, not to mention that Rafiz started to sulk after realizing the influence of the drink. Suddenly Rafiz leaned forward and


Successfully her lips pressed against Cherrly's pink lips.

"I love you" said Rafiz

Cherlly looks cute. She is not aware of his current expression like a bunny in his jacket. So adorable.

"Well, only I can see this expression" he continued


Again Cherrly was silent,

"Are you angry?" asked Rafiz

Cherrly just shook her head,

"You know why I'm angry? I don't want you with another guy. I'm jealous"

"But you know that I'm always surrounded by guys in my work world."

"Yeah, and now one of your exes boyfriend is your Mama's confidant."

"It's not like that, my relationship with Bayu is good because it's all for Mama. I'll definitely tell you, but not now"

"Yes, I know. After this we rest, tomorrow I have to work early"

Cheryl nodded and finished her meal..After that, cleaning the dining table, helping Sumi's work a little, isn't a problem, right. At least increase the reward

After all the kitchen work is done,

Rafiz took Cherlly's hand and took her to sleep beside him.

The night was getting late, and they were fast asleep.

Exactly at 06.00 Bayu picked up Cherlly at their agreed place. With all the drama that Rafiz made, he had to swallow a pill of disappointment because Cherlly still chose to go to work with Bayu.

Don't ask how Rafiz is today, his heart is very bad. Unlike Cherlly, today Cherry starts her activities with a smile

Smiling sincerely at his customers, offering his focus items and doing maximum service.

"Are you happy?" ask azizah

Cherry just sneered, "That's really annoying, bro."

"Life is so good. You have a boyfriend at young age and you will Supervisor crush"

"What the hell ! The gossip mouth is very sadistic. My boyfriend is stubborn, but he works. He doesn't want to live with me. After all, Bayu is my best friend from an idiot. So you don't have to think about being weird. if you're envious, you will try!"

"No, thank you.. I'm afraid I'm not strong"

Azizah the cashier said nervously

"Afraid is not strong, with my handsome boyfriend ?"

Cheers Cherlly.

Cherlly and Bayu's closeness was widely heard. But neither of them wanted to clarify this, because Cherlly and Bayu did not have a special relationship.

Yes, it's for Cherlly but it's none other than Bayu..

Rafiz calling...

"Honey, are you home? Can I pick you up?"

"It's still 3 PM o'clock, I haven't checked the cashier yet. After this clean the warehouse then just come back"

"Come home with me!"

"My ex boyfriend is in DC dear, weekly meeting. But not for long, because I can't stand being away from you".

"Cherlly!!!'s not funny!"

"It's okay fiz, don't think it's weird. You'll pick me up at 4 PM o'clock. I'll be working first. Bye"

Cherlly hung up the phone unilaterally. I don't know why recently Rafiz is more possessive of her. What is the effect of menstruation, huh...??

Eits...Rafiz is a viewer guy...

Why is he so annoying huh....

After 4 o'clock Rafiz picked up Cherlly, his face was sour.

Rafiz silenced Cherlly all the way home,

Cherry herself is busy with her cellphone, opening a message notification in the group from her boss.

"Are you still busy? Haven't you finished work yet?"

"Not yet. If you don't like my job, we can just leave it here until now!"

"You're so easy to say like that?"

snapped Rafiz.

Cherlly started angry with Rafiz,

She turned to Rafiz and slammed her cellphone,

"You started first, I already told you. I don't like you being possessive with me. I work Rafiz, not a bekel toy"

"But you work with your ex boyfriend !"

"Oh my...Are you angry with my ex boyfriend?"

Fixed, it's Cherlly's fault. She's being too much.

"Hehe.... I think I'm angry about my work problem. I swear. I have nothing to do with Bayu, we've been friends since we were babies, so even though he's my ex boyfriend , we still maintain the relationship," explained Cherrly.

"But I don't like it"




"How are you dear?"

A greeting like lightning in broad daylight,


Rafiz gulped, the situation turned around and he became the accused.

"You better look it up! You or I , are playing the game! As nice as your forehead was, you judged me and Bayu. Now you're playing with fire behind my back? "

"Cher, I already explained how I used to be, she's just my past. You misunderstood"

"You just drop me off at the front. I can go home by bus!"

"Cher, things aren't what you think they are. She's just my past, why don't you believe me?"

"Because you're like that to me too!"

"Cher... I'm sorry" said Rafiz while holding Cherlly's hand.

Zevanya calling...

"Finish your problem first, then you call me"

Cherlly also left Rafiz in his car and immediately ran towards public transportation. After Cherlly's departure, Rafiz hit the steering wheel. Venting his frustration, had he deleted Zevanya's number maybe he wouldn't have faced this kind of problem. He dialed a name in his phone,

"Where are you guys? I need a friend to confide in!" said Rafiz.