Stir up trouble for Zhao

"Lank, are you okay?" Obsidian asked, a little worried by the shocked look on his pal's face.

"Y... Yeah. It w–was just a c... c... cold." Lank stuttered, trying to get over the fact of what he had seen and rubbing the side of his arms.

"Are you sure? You look like you've seen a ghost." Obsidian pressed on, disturbed by the initial reaction.

Shaking his head before turning it to a nod, he vehemently denied anything being wrong, wanting them to focus on what they are doing.

Obsidian agreed to continue for the sake of peace, "I had thought of creating a little bit of chaos like I had said earlier, bring them up against one another."

Lank furrowed his brows, unable to follow how that could work and worried if it wouldn't be traced back to them.

"How would they know? Only our team knows about my newly acquired ability from that octo-dude, there is no way we could be tracked." Obsidian snickered in mischief.