"Remember, no matter what may happen, you must all survive!" A middle aged man, Doctor Gerald said as he patted my back while staring at the other army.

Judging from our dresses, one would easily identify us as soldiers embarking on a mission.

Yes, we are all soldiers, extremely trained soldiers embarking on a very dangerous and special mission.

Everyone had guns strapped to their backs and clothes and a bag hung to our back.

Well, we are not soldiers by profession but we are turned one by some strange and threatening events which threatens the well being of humanity. A virus broke out not quite long, a very rare and dangerous virus that doesn't kill immediately but turned one to a giant creature with green spots on the body and long fang and claws, a beast, more like a beast of destruction. Only the lucky ones get turned into a beast while the others died instantly, or some died 3hours after being bitten. Some were turned into ugly looking zombies and were always seeing wandering about looking for preys. The whole city was almost empty as the only surviving people were kept In a safe place and were banned from wandering about the city so as not to get TURNED. The name of the disease is not yet known.

Now, our mission was to go south to search for the CURE which was located in a city where it was first produced before everyone in the city got turned. The mission sounds easy to hear but what lies ahead isn't something easy, it's SUICIDE.

We got outside the building and a chopper could be spotted waiting patiently for us. We all jogged to the chopper as we walked in one after the other and settled on the seat while thinking about the dangerous mission which lied ahead of us.

Despite the word of the doctor, I still doubt if we will survive, humans against zombies!

Thats suicide.

My mind flashed back to my little brother who was now a zombie but kept in a lab while tests are being runned on him and receiving treatment, but without the cure, he won't get better. They can only control him not to cause havoc but he won't get any better.

"Let's introduce ourselves so we can know each other better," a femine voice suggested while the others murmured in agreement.

We are all 7 in numbers as we are all clad in soldiers clothing with different weapons with us.

"Am Mark"

"Am Jackson"

"Am Jane"




"Am Dominick" I muttered not really interested in the introduction stuffs as my mind seem to be on the mission which lies ahead of us.

What if we don't survive?

Fighting with the zombie is stressful a little as I had fought one and won but it takes so many skills and strength to defeat them but what about the beast specie, only God knows how strong they are and what they possesses.

"Hi" a femine voice said beside me jolting me out of my thought.

I stared at her, Vera who has a smile on her face.

From the expression on her face, she seemed to be eager. She's not by any way scared.

"Hello" I responded taking my eyes off hers.

I must admit, she's really pretty. Her pink lips is tempting and her hair which was unpacked making it fall on her face make her look more...pretty. But this is not the time to admire

We chatted for a while and she seemed to be really cool to talk with.

Soon we were both quiet as different thoughts ran through our minds.

My thought was all focused on the mission ahead of us.

Will we succeed?

Will we be able to get the cure?

Will we make it out alive?

Will I make I out alive?

Will my brother be safe?

What if he got turned, what will happen to him?

Gosh! I wish everything hadn't happened.

I wish I had listen to my brother that night.

I wish he hadn't got bitten.

I wish the virus didn't spread.

"Alright guys, here we are" Mark announced. " We are landing now so prepare yourself guys"

The chopper finally landed and we got out with our cocked guns pointed in different directions waiting for any attack but there seems to be none.

The place was really quiet as no sound could be heard except for our marching footsteps.

The place was littered with decayed dead bodies of the unlucky people who couldn't fight for themselves, people with their heads chopped off while some had their hands or legs ripped off while some were ripped apart.

The sight was horrific and saddening.

The place was buzzing with flies feeding on the decayed bodies and everywhere was smelling horribly.

We had to cover our nose as we walked pass the place.

The walking continue for some minutes and we finally got to the main city as we came across many houses and a wide but quiet and lonely road.

Just like every other place, the place also was littered with corpses but not as much as the first place.

"Is this place safe?" Jane asked with her eyes feasting around and I could notice how hard her heart was beating and the look on her face shows that she was scared.

Okay! We are all scared but have to act strong.

"No, am not sure about that" Mark replied her. "They can be anywhere so just be prepared for any attack."

" Okay"

We started walking down the deserted main road with out guns still pomted at different directions incase of any attack.

Then we came across a very big hospital with GWS written boldly on it.

Mark stopped as he signalled to us to stop and we halted immediately.

Obviously, Mark stopped because he heard a strange noise right in front of us.

He pointed his gun at the direction as the sound was getting louder.

It was coming from behind a black car parked feet's away from us.

And then suddenly, a man jumped out of the car as he ran toward us with full speed.

"Fire!!" Mark said as he shot at the man and we also opened fire at him.

We stopped shooting as we stared at the body of the man in front of us.

His head has already been shattered by our bullets.

Everyone was breathing hard as it was unexpected.

First day and it was like this.