Ouch, my blouse

I randomly picked up a pair of blue jeans and I wore an orange blouse which was an old dress. I was hastily dressing up that I did not remember that the blouse was shabby.

I roughly combed my hair and painted my lips with a colourless lipgloss. I slipped my feet into a pair of black low heels and grabbed my handbag from my bed.

I was almost stepping out of the room when Juliet stepped in. "Dear are you all set to leave?"

"Yea mum. I wouldn't want to keep Jake waiting."

She felt quite irritated by the dress and before she could speak, I had fled from the room to the living room. I was quite surprised not to see Jake and I panicked thinking that he was probably bored and left.

To be sure, I peeked through the curtains and I spotted him standing outside the gate besides his blue SUV. He was wearing a blue shirt, and a pair of blue jeans and a pair of flashy spectacles sat on his face. I couldn't help but stare him then it dawned on me that we have a band we have to attend and I hurried outside and approached the gate.

I stepped out through the gate and I approached him.

"Jake I'm sorry I stayed inside too long."

"It's fine, " he smiled, "it's just been fifteen minutes since I came. So let's go?"

I nodded my head and I smiled, "sure."

He did not seem to notice the clothes I was wearing. Are they that awful that he didn't look quite impressed? I thought. Anyways they were not pretty enough to catch his attention. I hoped he do not think of me as a nerd.

Jake opened the door and I entered the front seat, "thank you, " I muttered and he shut the door.

He entered the car and I stared at him. He was almost driving away when he turned to me looking at me.

"Oh my!" I thought, "he's staring at me. I guess I look so beautiful with all the red spots gone. Is he starting to like me? He can't stop staring at me."

My heart started to race fast, my palms were getting sweaty.

Jake leaned towards me, and he stretched his hand towards my face.

"Is he going to give me a kiss? That's too quick. But if he is, I do not mind." I chuckled in my mind.

Jake grabbed the seat belt and I felt quite confused staring at him stretching the belt and fastening it around me and he sat back and sighed, "you forgot to wear your seat belt."

"Oh." I rolled my eyes and sighed.

He drove up the highway.

It was 2:35 pm. We arrived at the Jackson Fellas music studio. I glanced at the building through the window, it looked quite huge.

Jake stepped out of the car and he was heading towards my door to open it but I energetically pushed the door open and stepped out. I slammed the door, it yanked my blouse, and I got pulled back as I tried to walk from the door.

Jake smiled at me and he stretched out his hand to me, "let's go in the guys must be waiting."

I looked Jake in the eyes and I felt quite embarrassed to tell him that my blouse is stuck. I smiled and nodded, "okay."

Jake turned and I tried to pull the edge of my blouse from the door and I heard a sound, "Uh oh!" I muttered and wondered what the sound meant. I looked at my blouse and I noticed that it was torn.

"Oh no!" I sighed and patted my head in disappointed.

"This is the last straw. Jake is gonna think that I'm not only poorly dressed, was a poop face, but also clumsy. He's never gonna feel attracted to me. I wish he did not notice me. This is not how I wanted to be noticed." I fretted.

Jake hesitated and turned back realizing that I was not behind him. He looked at me, my face burned in embarrassment.

I stared at him retracing his steps towards me, and my heart clobbered.

"Why are you hanging by the door what hap...." He paused noticing the edge of my blouse slashed.

I felt quite afraid of what he was going to think and I tried to explain, "I did not intend for this to happen. I know that you want to show me to the band and you must be infuriated by this and think that I'm acting like a little kid or a weirdo."

"You are right. I want to show you to the band."

"I know that you are disappointed that I'm awkward and you feel like asking me to leave. I will leave if you say so. I guess Mandy or Mckayla can be an impeccable singer for the band. I'm gonna leave right now."

I swerved and was almost walking past the car bowing my head and I muttered feeling quite sullen, "it's not my day."

"Where're you going?" Jake shouted.

I turned to him, "home."

"When did I ask you to leave?"

"But my dress is torn. I won't look appealing to the band, you will feel disgraced and I know that you are already disappointed with me." I wiped my tears before they could fall.

Jake walked to me and I assumed that he wants to offer me a ride home. I looked at him taking off his jacket and I felt quite confused. He walked a few steps closer to me, our nose was almost touching and my cheeks blushed thinking he was going to kiss me so I will feel alright.

Jake lifted his jacket and hung it on my shoulders. I felt quite flattered and I slid my hands inside the jacket.

"It looks good on you." He flashed his most winning smile.

"Thank you." I smiled back at him and looked into his eyes.

He held my hand. His hand felt quite cool and soft.

"Let's go?"

I nodded and we walked together through the gate heading inside the studio. We climbed a plight of stairs before we reached the entrances of the band room.

Jake pushed the door open and we stepped in. The tiling of the floor appeared glossy and I could feel the cooling Air conditioner freezing me, I shivered slightly.

I noticed a complete shiny drumset seated at the edge of the room, four microphone stands and an exquisite piano.

Jake cheerfully walked to his band mates, Ray, Nicky, Troy and Bruce and they fistpumped.

Ray was wearing a guitar, Bruce was playing the piano when Jake approached him. Troy and Nicky were standing at the microphone stands and I also noticed a slender and tall blonde damsel standing besides the drums.

Bruce,Troy, Ray and Ricky whispered to Jake, "Is she the singer?"

Jake nodded in reply and said energetically, "she has the voice of an angel."

Ray smiled wildly, "well, that's good."

He approached me and I couldn't help but notice that he was wearing a pair of designer's red leather jeans, and a black jeans jacket.

"Hi, I'm Ray Hans, " he turned and pointed at the others, "and that's Ricky, that's Bruce, that's Troy and that lady is Leila."

I waved at them, "it's nice meeting you guys."

"Why don't you perform?"

I stared at Ray feeling quite shocked, "right now?"

He nodded, "yea the stage is all yours."

Bruce added, "yea. Show us what you got."

I felt quite jittery and looked at Jake. He nodded and said, "come on Trina you can do it."

I persuaded myself to perform in order not to disappoint Jake. I walked to the stage and looked at everyone staring at me, and I bowed my head shyly.

I grabbed the microphone and Ricky shouted, "what are you singing?"

I lifted my head and replied, "Diamond by Rihanna."

Ricky said to the DJ, "give her a beat."

The beat started playing and I felt jumpy, my hands were starting to shake and I compelled myself to be calm for Jake.

I started singing the first verse of Diamond and Jake's band mates were mesmerized by my voice.

"Wow!" Bruce exclaimed.

Ricky said to Jake energetically, "dude, where did you find her?"

"I did not have to look hard. She showed up to me like an angel dropped from the sky and I feel so lucky to find her." Jake grinned from ear to ear.

I sang the chorus energetically,

"so shine bright...tonight,

You and I....

We are beautiful like diamonds in the sky."

I rounded up the last line of the song and I heard Jake and his band mates clapping noisily. I smiled excitedly that I did not act clumsy on the stage.

I just wanted Jake to think that I'm cool and not a weirdo.

I dropped the microphone and stepped down from the stage when Leila approached me and shook my hand grinning at me, "you sang so well."

"I'm glad you liked it."

Ricky walked to me and he offered me a handshake, "welcome to your band the Jackson Fellas."

"Thanks." I looked at Jake and he winked at me.