The cafetaria

It was quite a hot Friday afternoon in Maxwell university. I was carrying quite a large tray with a few snacks like, donuts, Cheese fries and a bottle of soda on it approaching a bench in the middle of the cafeteria.

The cafeteria was quite packed with several students, there was humming in the air, and when I looked at the rows of seats, each persons on each row seemed to be chatting with each other and I felt quite bad that I was the only one without friends, or among a squad.

Anyways, I was friends with Myles my course mate. We always hung out at the school library and he'd talk about his kitten, Dora. She has a white fur, and cute pair of brown eyes. She felt warm and soft when I held her in my arms in his apartment.

I ended our friendship ever since he laughed at my swollen face with the others at class.

Who would mock a friend or join the crowd and laugh along with them? I was starting to miss Myles's company staring at everyone gisting and catching fun with their friends.

My head was slightly bowed and I no longer felt the appetite for the scrumptious snacks I bought. After all, no-one would sit and eat with me. I was starting to imagine in my mind running out of the cafeteria but doing so, would make others wonder what I was running from and that would look ridiculous but then again, they were all carried away by their discussion with their friends so would they even notice me running? I pondered.

I was almost reaching my seat when I got shoved. I lose my balance and I tried to hold the tray firmly from slipping off my hands. I fell on the floor, panicked and screamed. The snacks all dropped on the floor and I saw a female boot stepping on the snacks.

I lifted my head up to see who's foot it was and I was not surprised that it was Mckayla's. I furrowed my eyebrows and felt infuriated cause it seemed like she stepped on them on purpose.

Mandy walked towards me carrying a tray with a plate of spaghetti and I looked at her, "Trina you are on the floor. Do you need help getting up?"

"No." I muttered.

"Don't worry, I will help you up." Mandy said politely and she walked closer to me. She stretched her hand to me to pull me up and the tray slipped off her hands and dropped right on me. The full plate of spaghetti dropped completely on my head and poured on my dress and my cheeks.

I was astonished that I was covered in a pile of spaghetti.

"Oh no!" I exclaimed and touched my hair and it felt sticky. The stew splattered all over my hair.

"I'm sorry Trina." Said Mandy and I looked at her noticing that she was wearing a smirk look.

Mckayla could not help but burst into laughter that everyone in the room heard and turned looking at us wondering what was so hilarious.

I noticed their stares at me and most of them were cracking in laughter. My face burned in embarrassment. I wanted to stand up but I felt too sad to. I bowed my head and tears were streaming from my eyes.

The noisy laughter kept echoing in my mind and I wished that I could make a magic and disappear completely or that I could erase from everyone's mind all of what just happened. Then I heard some footsteps approaching me and he paused besides me. He stretched out his hand to me and I stared at his hand wondering who it could be.

"Could it be Myles?" I wondered, "does he feel guilty for what he did to me and is here to save me? To get me out of here?"

And I hoped that it was not Jake. I wished he would not see me covered in spaghetti and I felt scared that he will be disappointed in me and think I'm clumsy.

I slowly raised my head and my heart clobbered to see that it was really him.

"Oh no! He's gonna think that I'm a weirdo." I panicked in my mind.

Jake smiled at me and I felt quite surprised that he did not look irritated or disgusted by me.

"Come on. Give me your hand. You have been sitting on the floor since ten minutes."

I hesitated giving him my hand feeling nervous.

Mckayla and Mandy furrowed their eyebrows and Mandy folded her arms and said, "why are you helping her? She looks like a dog in trash."

Jake frowned upon her and said firmly, "yea but you were the one who spilled spaghetti on her. You should be apologizing to her instead of ignoring her."

"Whatever." Mandy rolled her eyes and moaned.

Jake clasped my hand, "come on Trina. I'm getting you out of here."

"Thank you." I tried to smile and he pulled me from the floor.

We were walking away and Mckayla said, "why are you so concerned about her? Is that b*tch now your girlfriend?"

We paused and turned to them. I looked into Jake's eyes wondering what his response will be.

"Trina is a nice and sweet person and I just know that she deserves to be treated better." Jake argued.

"But you're over doing it, " Mandy argued, "it's like you can't see that she's clumsy, stupid, a doodle head? And, she's boring."

"That's enough!" Jake shouted to defend me, "Trina has a splendid voice and she's a great lady. Now if you two don't see that, you're the ones stupid and dumb."

"What!" Mandy gasped.

"How dare you speak that way to us?" Mckayla shouted.

"Come on Trina let's leave." Jake walked out grabbing my hand. I smiled heartily at him feeling so good. Seeing him stand up for me made me feel so special.

Mandy clenched her fists firmly, "that loose lip."

"Yea, how dare he? No one has ever called us dumb or stupid." Mckayla added.

"We are gonna shift our focus from Trina."

"What?" Mckayla raised her brows.

"Trina will no longer be our target. Jake will. We are gonna make his life miserable and make him regret choosing that ugly Trina over us. I learnt that his birthday is next week. We are gonna ruin his party for him using Trina."

"But how?"

Mandy smirked.